AVP/Senior-Level Student Affairs Professional Award

Supporting the Profession AVP or "Number Two"
Award Type: national

This award honors a student affairs professional at the AVP or senior-level whose outstanding commitment to the profession includes development of programs that address the needs of students, creation of a campus environment that promotes student learning and development, and support of and active engagement in NASPA.

Nominations have closed for the 2025 AVP/Senior-Level Student Affairs Professional Award. The application for 2026 will open in August 2025.


2025 Current Recipient

Award Criteria

  • Demonstrated support and supervision over innovative programs or services that have had an impact on the home campus environment in more than one functional area of student affairs. Evaluated by illustrations of multiple programs or services in the home campus environment OR in multiple functional areas.

  • Professional responsibility for the direction, oversight, or supervision of two or more student affairs functional areas, and/or three or more professional staff members. Evaluated by number of professional staff or functional areas supervised by nominee.

  • Engagement with NASPA. Evaluated by breadth and depth of engagement across multiple opportunities within NASPA.

  • Establishes a culture of engagement with NASPA as foundational to professional development within the home institution. Evaluated by illustrations of encouragement and support for individual colleague engagement with NASPA.

  • At least ten years of service to the student affairs profession or relevant functional area. All nominees must meet this requirement.

  • Reports to the deputy or highest-ranking student affairs officer on campus and is not the Vice President of Student Affairs. All nominees must meet this requirement.

Past Recipients