Excellence Award: Academic Advising, Careers, Graduate, Professional, and related
Supporting the Profession Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services Student Affairs Partnering with Academic Affairs Student Career Development
Award Type: excellence

This award seeks to highlight innovative initiatives that relate to the programs, policies, procedures, best practices, or services provided by Academic Advising, Career Services, Graduate Programs and Services, Professional Services and related units. This may include initiatives provided by other units (e.g., Dean of Students, Counseling Services, etc.); however, it is vital that the initiative nominated is related to the category and addresses a critical need.
The successful nomination will concisely explain the issue, how it relates to the institutional or Student Affairs’/Student Services mission, and population addressed. Documentation and results of assessments should include learning or success outcomes, how the program/service relates to a critical need, and its theoretical foundation.
Refer to the rubric against which nominations will be evaluated and review the NASPA Excellence Awards Guidelines below to ensure eligibility.
For questions about the Excellence Awards, please email excellenceawards@naspa.org