The President's Award

Supporting the Profession VP for Student Affairs
Award Type: national

This special NASPA honor is presented to a college or university President or Chancellor who has, over a sustained period, advanced the quality of student life on campus by supporting the institution’s student affairs staff and initiatives.

Any NASPA member may nominate an individual for this award.

Nominations have closed for the 2025 President's Award. The application for 2026 will open in August 2025.


2025 Current Recipient

Award Criteria

  • Recognized by all constituencies as having special interest in student life over the course of a sustained career. Evaluated by breadth, depth, and consistency of advocacy over time.

  • Consistently provides support for student affairs staff and initiatives. Evaluated by illustrations of support for staff and initiatives.

  • Record of publications, speeches, and remarks that recognize the value and importance of student life. Evaluated by audience (campus, conferences, industry publications, media, etc.), consistency of student affairs message, and topics addressed.

  • Establishes a culture of engagement with NASPA as foundational to professional development within the home institution. Evaluated by support of colleagues as leaders in NASPA.

Past Recipients


2014 | Rhenu Kaptor
2013 | Edward H. Hammond
2012 | John Sexton
2011 | Bobby Fong
2010 | John G. Peters
2009 | Donald V. DeRosa
2008 | Scott Cowen
2008 | Paula M. Rooney
2007 | Milton A. Gordon

2006 | Robert C. Khayat
2005 | Joseph A. Chapman
2004 | Carol C. Harter
2003 | Sidney A. Ribeau
2001 | Dr. Albert J. Simone 
1995 | William R. Nester
1994 | Aubrey K. Lucas
1993 | Robert L. Albright