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Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

10 Things to DO, 5 Things to NOT When Submitting Proposals for KC Sponsorship

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
August 11, 2017

10 Things to DO, 5 Things to NOT:

Are you considering submitting a presentation proposal for the 100th Annual NASPA Conference in Philadelphia?  Great!  Proposals are due September 1, which will be here before you know it!  Here are some recommendations from reviewers that may help you as you formulate your proposal:

10 Things to DO:

  1. Remember, you only get 50 minutes of presentation time; focus on one or two clear overarching goals—you can’t do much else in 50 minutes
  2. Ensure you cite relevant literature (scholarly or current news in HIED) in formulating your proposal
  3. Include learning outcomes written at an appropriate level (knowledge/comprehension/application/analysis)
  4. If you are highlighting a best practice or study at your institution, be sure to write in the proposal how it can be applied or generalized to other contexts
  5. Proofread your proposal
  6. Use your bio to describe why you are the best person to present on a given topic, as well as your professional/educational background
  7. Indicate how your session proposal aligns with the conference themes (this year they are: Integrity, Innovation, Inclusion, Inquiry)
  8. Make sure there are takeaways to apply at participant’s institution
  9. Plan intentional engagement with audience
  10. Indicate the session is about assessment, evaluation, or research as appropriate and apply for AER Knowledge Community Sponsorship—this will make your proposal more likely to be reviewed by an expert in that area
  11. Bonus Item: If you’re not yet feeling ready to propose a session, serve as a reviewer and get inspired! Contact Dr. Erica Eckert (eeckert@kent.edu) or Dr. D’Arcy Oaks (oaks.9@osu.edu) if you are interested

5 Things to NOT:

  1. Make reviewers strain to figure out what you are talking about
  2. Make typos, grammar mistakes, spelling errors
  3. Assume the reviewers know what you are talking about/be too informal
  4. Include group activities for the sake of doing them (make sure your activities are impactful and a good use of time)
  5. Don’t focus on just methods; don’t focus on just findings

Remember the deadline to submit program proposals for the 2018 NASPA Annual Conference in September 1. Submit programs HERE. We look forward to seeing many programs seeking KC sponsorship for #NASPA18. 

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