Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
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Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

2018 Meeting of the Minds Conference

Region IV-W Region IV-W
November 22, 2017

Meeting of the Minds is a regional prevention and health education conference for college and university peer educators, their advisors, administrators, and campus and community law enforcement.  Sessions on evidence-based alcohol and drug prevention, violence prevention, and health education will be presented!  Meeting of the Minds 2018 will be hosted in Kansas City April 5-7. Special sessions for members of campus law enforcement will also be provided.  Complete conference information can be found at mom.missouri.edu.  

We want you to attend! During the three day conference, some of the best training and education will be offered to the students and professionals from college and university campuses across the Midwest. Some of the brightest experts in college health and campus safety will present effective strategies, model programs, and best practices for you to take back to your campus and your community.

Some conference features!

  • Conference is held at the Kansas City Airport Hilton with convenient airport access! 
  • Conference also serves as the 2018 Central College Health Association Conference
  • Sessions will focus on evidence-based strategies to address our most significant campus public health concerns:  high risk drinking, drug use, mental health, and interpersonal violence.  Other session tracks include Equity and Diversity, Collegiate Recovery, and Wellness/Health. 
  • Special sessions for campus and community law enforcement (POST credit available through the State of Missouri)
  • Continuing Education Units (CEU) applications pending for counselors, prevention professionals, psychologists, nurses, health educators and other professionals
  • Campus Peer Education awards will be presented to peer educators, advisors and peer education groups in Region IV-W

Conference Schedule

The conference begins on Thursday with a fabulous lineup of pre-conference sessions and an opening dinner on Thursday evening. The conference will feature breakout sessions, keynotes, and special sessions throughout the day on Friday. After a morning including a keynote presentation and several breakout sessions, the conference will end with a closing lunch and awards ceremony and close on Saturday.

For a detailed conference schedule, please visit the conference website at mom.missouri.edu.

Conference Registration Rates - Registration opens December 1, 2017

  • Students $170
  • Graduate Students $220
  • Professionals $280

For additional information please contact Joan Masters, Missouri Partners in Prevention.