Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.69 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

5 Things To Do For You This Winter Break

Region IV-W Region IV-W
December 1, 2018 Richard Monroe Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City

Ah, the smell of winter, potential snow days, greetings of holiday songs, students, faculty and staff feelings are high--*record scratch*-- in reality, this time of the year can be very stressful for many student affairs professionals and faculty members with the frantic buzz about upcoming final exams.  As professionals, we are looking at wrapping up the fall semester and year-end, student stress levels are reaching astronomical levels, and all while we find ourselves trying to scramble for last-minute events, grading last-minute papers, enrollment, reports, entering grades, and making presentations. 

However, we need to remember that it is also a great time to reflect, relax and reenergize, personally and professionally, to prepare for what the spring semester may bring.  This is the time where students may be dreaming about their winter break bucket list, which includes eating home cooked meals, laundry, back to back streaming of Netflix and spending some much needed time with friends and family.  This begs the question, what does your bucket list look like for this winter break?  I have compiled a few different things that you may want to add to your winter break bucket list:

  1. Enjoy a (or a few) nice cup(s) of coffee/hot tea- this means getting that special drink and relaxing alone, or why not reconnect and share a drink with a family member or friend.

  1. Take some time to read/listen to that book you have been wanting to read- reading a book for fun is something that not everyone takes the time during the academic year to do.  Find that novel or biography that you have been waiting to pick up and read one or a few books over the break.

  1. Dedicate some time to really spend with family and/or friends- knowing that holidays are special this is a prime opportunity to make sure to connect with your family and friends and make some good memories this year.  Know those good memories will last forever.

  1. Do something you have never done before- why not take a risk during this time and find something that you have been wanting to do but said you would not do it.  By taking a risk you may be able to find a new interest or hobby that you may have never done before.

  1. Volunteer for others and give back-this is a special way for you to spread all of the holiday cheer by giving back to others.  This should be done every day of the year, but why not take a moment to give back in some way by volunteering a little of your time, talent, and treasures to others who may not have those resources.  

It is your choice, to do one, two or all of the items on the list, but I recommend at least doing one thing for you!  What would you add to your bucket list? 

Happy Holidays from my family to yours!