Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

AER KC Assessment and Research Grant: Accepting Proposals

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
February 23, 2015 Dametraus Jaggers West Chester University of Pennsylvania

The NASPA Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Knowledge Community (AER-KC) is accepting proposals for the 2015 AER-KC Assessment and Research Grant.  The grant will be awarded to current NASPA members at the 2015 Assessment and Persistence Conference.  The maximum award for the grant is $500.00.  The AER-KC is looking for proposals that support the KC’s mission:

“The NASPA Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Knowledge Community encourages and supports student affairs professionals, faculty and graduate students at institutions across the county and throughout the world as they systematically assess learning, evaluate programs, and research theory and practice as it relates to our profession. By providing quality education and networking opportunities for those that engage in assessment, evaluation and research in student affairs, the Knowledge Community strives to serve as a driving force in the movement towards improved student learning.”

Grant applications should include the following:

1.      A cover page identifying:

  • Research proposal title
  • Investigators’ names & NASPA membership numbers (at least one member of the research team is required to be a NASPA member)
  • Address
  • Institution
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • A statement indicating - “I agree to acknowledge NASPA AER-KC funding support in all phases of research; I will not use any portion of the project for commercial purposes (i.e., selling an instrument for profit); I will deposit the grant funds into an institutional account; and I will provide NASPA AER-KC National Co-Chairs with a written summary of my findings and a detailed account of how the funds were expended no later than 18 months after the receipt of this grant.”

2.      A description of the research proposals (limited to 5 pages, double spaced) including:

  • Statement of the purpose of the research
  • Brief description of literature review addressing the question of why this research is important
  • Description of the methodology including:
    • Description of the population being studied
    • Description of any instrument(s) to be used in the study, including validation procedures as applicable
    • Description of the procedure and proposed analysis
    • Description of the audience for whom the research would be of interest
  • An indication of how the results will be disseminated to the NASPA membership
  • Description of the credentials of the researchers
  • Detailed budget showing how the requested funds will be used with a description of the level of support requested or received from other sources

 Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Connection to the mission of the AER-KC
  • Relevance to the field of assessment and research
  • Research Design
  • Proposed Budget

Please address questions regarding the NASPA AER-KC Assessment Grant and submit proposals directly to Dametraus Jaggers, NASPA AER-KC Grant Committee Chair, at djaggers@utk.edu.

Proposals are due Friday, May 29, 2015