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Call for Chapter Proposals and Contributing Authors – Student Affairs Staffing: An Intentional Approach to Effective Hiring

Career and Workforce Development Supporting the Profession AVP or "Number Two" Faculty Mid-Level Senior Level VP for Student Affairs
August 19, 2024

Proposal Submission Deadline: September 27, 2024

Editor: Jeffrey A. Bates, Florida State University


The importance of effective hiring cannot be overstated. When the opportunity to hire arises, selecting the right candidate is one of the most pivotal decisions an institution can make in determining its future success. With staff salaries often making up the single largest expense for student affairs divisions as well as the average cost to replace employees totaling on average between 50%–75% of a position’s yearly salary, the importance of hiring the right candidate has become more critical than ever before in higher education. Unfortunately, student affairs professionals who are often tasked with leading and facilitating search processes are given little guidance related to staffing best practices. Student Affairs Staffing: An Intentional Approach to Effective Hiring addresses that gap, as the first text in over two decades to speak to hiring practices for student affairs practitioners by student affairs practitioners. The book will be published by NASPA–Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, the leading voice for the student affairs profession worldwide.

This is an open call to practitioners and scholars from across disciplines in higher education. Individuals with expertise, interest, or experience in any of the content areas are encouraged to apply. Proposal submissions can include multiple authors from different functional areas (e.g., student affairs practitioner and human resource professional). A diverse set of authors representing a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, experiences, institution types, etc. will be critical in producing a book that is broadly accessible to all professionals engaged in this important work.


Proposal Submission Process

Individuals interested in serving as a chapter author, or proposing a chapter, should complete the Proposal Submission Form. Please see the information below on book sections and potential chapters. Prospective authors will be asked to provide the following:

  • Information for corresponding author and coauthors.
  • Book section and chapter of interest. There is also an option to submit an original chapter idea.
  • 500-word abstract outlining the chapter, including relevant current research, concepts, and evidence-informed best practices.
  • Summary of author(s) qualifications with regard to the chapter and book topic.

Submit Proposal Now



Below is the tentative timeline for major milestones associated with the publication:


Tentative Completion Date

Contributing Authors and Chapters Selected

October 2024

First Drafts Due

July 2025

First Round Reviews Completed and Shared With Authors

September 2025

Second Drafts Due

November 2025

Final Drafts Sent to Publisher

December 2025



The goal of the book is to equip student affairs practitioners with an understanding of best practices within hiring to facilitate intentional and inclusive search processes. The scope is specific to the areas in which student affairs practitioners are most often involved in the hiring process. Recognizing that student affairs practitioners are often put in positions to coordinate or participate in searches with little to no training on best practices within the field, this book aims to close a potential competency gap by merging staffing research with a student affairs practitioner lens.


Book Sections and Potential Chapters

Part 1: Foundations of the Search

  • Chapter 1: The Importance of Good Hiring
    This chapter will lay the groundwork for understanding the indispensable value of hiring the right person to fill a vacancy, providing an overview of the organizational implications of hiring the right/wrong candidate as well as the financial implications of hiring the right/wrong candidate
  • Chapter 2: Bias in Hiring
    This chapter will highlight research on bias within the hiring process, specifically the foundations of bias, common types of bias, and recommendations to reduce the impact of bias. The concept of “candidate fit”, both its usefulness and danger, will also be described.

Part 2: Preparation for the Search

  • Chapter 3: Organization and Job Analysis
    This chapter will detail the steps individuals or search committees should take between becoming aware of a vacancy and posting a position.
  • Chapter 4: Recruitment
    This chapter will focus on the recruitment and sourcing of candidates in building a robust and diverse candidate pool. The author(s) will discuss both how and where to recruit candidates as well as considerations for when a candidate pool is deemed too lean.

Part 3: Execution of the Search

  • Chapter 5: Screening
    This chapter will provide research-based strategies for the screening of candidates to be selected for a first-round interview process. Questions for the development of a rubric as well as example rubrics will be included. The author will also discuss methods to maintain a diverse candidate pool through the screening process.
  • Chapter 6: Interviewing
    This chapter will focus on the interviewing of candidates, particularly the use of a standard interview format where candidates are given a set of questions and asked to respond.
  • Chapter 7: Supplemental Materials
    This chapter will detail supplemental materials that can be used in lieu of or in addition to the standard interview format described in Chapter 6 including the utilization of work samples, supplemental application questions, philosophies, presentations, and case studies.
  • Chapter 8: Reference Checks
    This chapter will discuss the process and utility of reference checks within the hiring process.

Part 4: Conclusion of the Search

  • Chapter 9: Selection
    This chapter details the evaluation process of candidates and functions as the “put-it-all-together” stage of the information gathered through the hiring process described in proceeding chapters.
  • Chapter 10: Offer and Notification
    This chapter will discuss the aspects of a good offer for the selected candidate. This includes information to include within an offer as well as the various individuals who might make the offer.
  • Chapter 11: Hiring Process Review
    This chapter will detail the final, and often forgotten, step in the hiring process—a review of the hiring process at its conclusion.

Part 5: Current Considerations and Emerging Areas for Search Processes

The final part of the book will discuss both current considerations and emerging areas for search processes within student affairs. Submitted proposals are encouraged to identify additional topic areas that would be a good fit for this section. Some potential topic areas may include:

  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI) throughout a search process
  • Utilization of a search firm for searches
  • The impact of a search process on staff retention
  • Growing popularity of skills-based hiring
  • Different formats/modes for interviews


Editor Biography

Jeffrey A. Bates is a student affairs professional who has both lead and served on numerous search committees during his time in the profession. With a focus on intentional hiring practices at the core of his professional and academic experiences, Bates is committed to bridging the gap between staffing research and student affairs practice. He is a current MBA candidate with a specialization in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources; has served as a Talent Management Subject Matter Expert in the development of the NASPA Student Affairs Certification; has presented on hiring practices at national conferences; and has participated in organizational behavior research on impression management.

Questions may be submitted to the editor at jeff.bates@fsu.edu.