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Call for Special Issue Manuscripts: Advancing Critical Scholarly Discourse on Gender and Leadership in Higher Education

Gender and Sexuality Womxn in Student Affairs
October 13, 2022

Advancing Critical Scholarly Discourse on Gender and Leadership in Higher Education

Guest Editors: Paige Haber-Curran PhD, Texas State University; Daniel Tillapaugh PhD, California Lutheran University

Manuscript Submissions Deadline: February 13, 2023

In this special issue of the Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education (JWG) we aim to advance discourse on the intersection of gender and leadership in ways that can critically shift the collective understanding of leadership in a higher education context. We approach the topic of leadership in higher education broadly, encouraging manuscripts focused on students, staff, and/or faculty. We are primarily interested in empirical contributions, although we will also consider conceptual contributions that advance the scholarly discourse.

The theme will center gender as a theoretical and/or conceptual framework or lens to examine, problematize, or interrogate leadership in a higher education context. We encourage potential authors to consider different aspects of gender in their scholarly contributions, particularly advancing the notion of gender-expansive praxis and/or the intersections of gender and other social identities (i.e., intersectional views on leadership; Tillapaugh et al., 2017). Given the long history within the scholarly literature on leadership of (a) conflating sex and gender and (b) focusing on gender in ways that reinforce the gender binary of woman/man and inadequately considers trans* and gender non-confirming individuals (Haber-Curran & Tillapaugh, 2018), we will prioritize scholarly contributions that focus on gender as a social construction (as opposed to assigned birth sex). In this special issue we seek to advance contemporary thinking around leadership that is pro-feminist and gender-expansive in nature (e.g., cisgender women and men, trans* men and women, genderqueer individuals, gender non-conforming individuals; issues of gender expression/identity; fluid understanding of gender). 

The focus on leadership within the special issue may include but is not limited to: leadership roles, leadership expectations, leadership education, leadership development, gender socialization related to leadership, leadership identity, leadership capacity, intersectional perspectives considering gender and leadership, leadership as activism, cultural views of leadership, informal and formal leadership, leadership in organizational culture, leadership training. Scholars (see Allan et al., 2006; Dugan, 2017; Haber-Curran & Beatty, in press; Ngunjiri et al., 2017; Owen, 2020; Tevis & Foste, 2022) have named the ways that historically leadership often has upheld White cisheteropatriarchal norms and the continued ramifications of that today; as a result, we are interested in submissions that forward and advance the discourse of leadership and that disrupt or critique traditional views of leadership.

Manuscript Submissions

For consideration, manuscripts should be no longer than 25 double-spaced pages plus references submitted by February 13, 2023. Please use APA 7 style and 12-point Times New Roman font. Page length does not include tables, figures, images, and references. All manuscripts must be submitted online through https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/naspa_njawhe. Please indicate that you are submitting to the special issue on gender and leadership. For more information, or to discuss your idea, please contact Dr. Paige Haber-Curran at ph31@txstate.edu and/or Dr. Dan Tillapaugh at dtillapaugh@callutheran.edu

Deadline for submissions: February 13, 2023

Manuscripts out for peer review: February 14, 2023 – March 24, 2023

Selection of manuscripts for issue: March 31, 2023

Finalize all revisions of manuscripts: September 29, 2023


Allan, E. J., Gordon, S. P., & Iverson, S. V. (2006). Re/thinking practices of power: The discursive framing of leadership in The Chronicle of Higher Education. The Review of Higher Education, 30(1), 41-68. https://doi.org/10.1353/rhe.2006.0045

Dugan, J. P. (2017). Leadership theory: Cultivating critical perspectives. Jossey Bass.

Haber-Curran, P.,& Beatty, C. (in press). Critical theoretical perspectives and considerations for centering gender in the study of leadership.In S. J. Tan & L. DeFrank-Cole (Eds.), A research agenda for gender and leadership. Edward Elgar.

Haber-Curran, P., & Tillapaugh, D. (2018). Beyond the binary: Advancing socially just leadership through the lens of gender. In K. L. Guthrie & V. S. Chunoo (Eds.), Changing the narrative: Socially just leadership education (pp. 77-92). Information Age Publishing.

Ngunjiri, F. M., Almquist, J. M., Beebe, M., Elbert, C. D., Gardiner, R. A., & Shockness, M. (2017). In J. Storberg-Walker & P. Haber-Curran (Eds.), Theorizing women and leadership: New insights and contributions from multiple perspectives (Women and leadership: Research, theory and practice, vol. 5, pp. 249-263). Information Age Publishing.

Owen, J. E. (2020). We are the leaders we’ve been waiting for: Women and leadership development in college. Stylus.

Tevis, T. L., & Foste, Z. (2022). From complacency to criticality: Envisioning antiracist leadership among white higher education administrators. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000399

Tillapaugh, D., Mitchell, D., & Soria, K. (2017). Considering gender and leadership through an
intersectionality lens. In D. Tillapaugh & P. Haber-Curran (Eds.), Critical perspectives on gender and student leadership (New Directions for Student Leadership, No. 154; pp. 23-32). Jossey-Bass.