Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Foundation Ambassadors Update

Region IV-W
June 25, 2020 Jerrid Freeman Northeastern State University

Pillars of the Profession

It is time to think about making a Pillar of the Profession nomination. These will open early July and likely close mid August. Please begin soliciting letters of recommendation and submit once the application opens in early July. Highlighted below are all the Pillars within our Region (at the time of the award) and year. General information about the Pillars is available here.


Membership Scholarships

The Foundation Board has been discussing the best way to support NASPA members impacted by COVID-19 and has created a new opportunity. In July, membership scholarships will be available for people to apply for assistance with membership dues. These scholarships will be in the amount of $37 and targeted for those furloughed, laid-off, or recently graduated and unemployed as a result of COVID. Details will be available very soon!



Congratulations! We met both our donor goals this year. We met our total amount raised and number of donors this year because of all those who became Foundation pledges and gave to support our three Pillars this last year. Thank you for that. The next fiscal year starts July 1st, so be thinking about your donor goals this year and if you want to become a pledge. Our new goals will be set by the Foundation board soon, and we appreciate your future support to meet our regional goals. We hope the funds we receive ($1,000) as a region will help those seeking financial assistance and the research grants we distribute as well.    


Past Pillars of the Profession (ABC Order)
Last Name First Name Pillar Year Region
Alvarez Timothy A.  2019 IV-W
Ambler David A. 2000 IV-W
Boatman Sara A 2007 IV-W
Brazzell Johnetta Cross  2004 IV-W
Bresciani Dean 2004 IV-W
Carnaghi Jill E. 2009 IV-W
Cernech John C. 2008 IV-W
Dalpes Paulette 2018 IV-W
Donovan Jody 2016 IV-W
Doyle Diana M. 2010 IV-W
Gohn Lyle 2012 IV-W
Gordon Suzanne E. 2001 IV-W
Griesen James A. 2006 IV-W
Hammond Edward H. 2013 IV-W
Healy Margaret A. 2011 IV-W
Hoover Richard E. 2014 IV-W
Hurst James 2003 IV-W
Hyman Randy 2012 IV-W
Jackson Jr.  Tom 2018 IV-W
Jellison Billy D. 1999 IV-W
Knoll Dorothy A. 2008 IV-W
Kuder James 2002 IV-W
Kuk Linda 2004 IV-W
MacClean Sandy 2003 IV-W
Mason Tisa 2016 IV-W
Matthew Prakash 2007 IV-W
Page Robert N. 2013 IV-W
Peters Chester 1999 IV-W
Rhatigan James 1999 IV-W
Roberts Gregory 2014 IV-W
Rossi Richard E. 2015 IV-W
Sandoval-Lucero Elena M. 2020 IV-W
Schneikart-Luebbe Christine 2020 IV-W
Smith Caryl Kelley 2001 IV-W
Torres Eliseo “Cheo” 2010 IV-W
Wallman George 2005 IV-W
Warkentine Meyer Shana L. 2020 IV-W
White Lori S. 2009 IV-W
Widmar Gary E. 1999 IV-W