Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Get Involved with NASPA IV-W NPGS KC!

Region IV-W Region IV-W
May 8, 2018 PJ Martinez University of Arkansas

Hi everyone! My name is PJ Martinez, and I am your New Professional & Graduate Student KC Rep. I also serve as the Assistant Director for Retention and Diversity Initiatives at the University of Arkansas’ Multicultural Center. I am excited for these next two years and I hope to provide you with countless opportunities for furthering your education, volunteering and #MakingYourMark!

Why did I want to get involved with IV-W NPGS KC? It all began during my time in graduate school. I graduated from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and had the privilege of being supervised and mentored by the greatest, Dr. Tim Alvarez. He was the person who challenged me to get involved. As a graduate student, I was introduced to NUFP and all things IV-W. My cohort members and I were excellent at creating connections with various members from the region. I knew these connections were fruitful and would assist me in my trajectory in Student Affairs.

I like to say IV-W helped me with my current role! During my second year of graduate school at the IV-W conference in Albuquerque, I was introduced to many University of Arkansas folks and was able to continue the conversation when it came to applying for jobs. My time as a graduate student and the people I met along the way inspired me to be part of the KC. As a KC representative, I hope to do the same for current graduate students and assist them in their endeavors of finding a new career. As a full time professional, I’ve learned new things, and I want to do encourage other new professionals to get involved as well!

What we want to do for you! As you can tell, the NPGS platform for 2018 - 2020 is #MakeYourMark. We want to help you…

  • #MakeYourMark on Professional Associations: NPGS KC will generate several opportunities for members to further their involvement in the KC and NASPA, allowing them to build upon the Leadership professional competency.
  • #MakeYourMark on Scholarship and Research: NPGS KC will make an intentional effort to encourage its membership to consider their positions as scholars in the field, a trademark of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Research professional competency.
  • #MakeYourMark on Equitable and Inclusive Practices: NPGS KC will encourage opportunities for the membership to think about the Social Justice and Inclusion professional competency. In particular, we will consider what it means to create equitable environments on our campuses and in the field as new professionals and graduate students.
  • #MakeYourMark on the Field: NPGS KC will produce programs and initiatives to help members plan for their future in the field, allowing them to reflect upon the Personal and Ethical Foundations professional competency.

(Sourced from Evette Allen & Antonio Duran – NPGS KC CO-CHAIRS)

If you are interested in wanting to join the IV-W NPGS KC please fill out this form:  NPGS Interest Form. As soon as I gather all names, I will soon provide you with more information. In the meantime, follow us on Facebook at @IVWNPGS.

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

- PJ