Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.14 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

In Memoriam Kelly Ward

Center for Women
July 16, 2018

We are heartbroken to share news of the death of Kelly Ward, Editorial Board Member and longtime supporter of the NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education.  As the obituary below details, Kelly was a prolific scholar and a friend and mentor to many.  Her research focused on work/family issues in the academy, particularly on academic mothers.  She published in a wide variety of outlets, including NJAWHE, and her practice as faculty member and administrator illustrated her tireless commitment to equity for women in higher education.  The entire higher education community feels this loss.  Kelly was a mentor and a friend for both of us, for many of our authors and review board members, and for countless others who benefitted from her seemingly endless capacity to nurture the best in everyone she met.  Our thoughts go out to all of them as well as Kelly’s family and the Washington State University community.


Margaret and Amy

Co-Editors of NJAWHE