Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 3.19 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

JCC Connexions, Vol. 7, No. 1

February 17, 2021

February 2021

What Are Strengths and Weaknesses of Interfaith Learning and Development Model in Different Institutional Settings? Critical Conversations #24

Matthew J. Mayhew, The Ohio State University

 It is important to recognize interfaith learning and development as something educators hope their students will engage as part of the college-going process. Based on equity considerations, it would be irresponsible for educators to leave this type of learning to chance, as an increasing number of students enrolled in college hold minoritized religious identities. Added to that, research has shown that religious identity’s intersection with other identity forms often influences the ways students appropriate meaning to their college experiences. Read More.

Three Questions Relating to Moral Development: JCC, Feb. 2021

Pamela C. Crosby, Co-Editor, Journal of College and Character

Here are some important questions that relate to moral development that are explored in articles in the February 2021 issue (vol. 22, no. 1) of the Journal of College and Character. Read more.

New Spaces & Roles for Student Affairs Educators

Michael J. Stebleton, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Lisa Higashi, Simon Fraser University

The year 2020 finally ended. Between the twin pandemics of the Coronavirus and the ongoing fight for social justice, many student affairs practitioners and other higher education professionals enter a new year with cautious optimism and higher expectations for a better year ahead in 2021. We contend that educators should take the time to reflect on the challenges of this past year while also carefully considering new goals and ideas for potential collaboration this next year. Troubling times can lead to a re-evaluation of existing relationships with students and colleagues. Read more.

Critical Religious Studies in Higher Education

Jenny L. Small, Convergence

 I am not alone in realizing that higher education must address the structural inequalities that marginalize some RSSIs in a country dominated by White Christian privilege (Joshi, 2020). Therefore, I offer this abbreviated list of additional scholarship to add to your reading list. Read more

Engaging Civic Religious Pluralism

Becca Hartman-Pickerill, Interfaith Youth Core

College, even in a remote or hybrid structure, is a powerful place for provocative encounters to flourish. Campus learning experiences like dialogues and public speakers paired with reflexive writing are integrated into the curriculum to explicitly foster provocative encounters. These experiences exist alongside resources that foster support like religious and spiritual life staff, peer counselors, counseling centers, advisors, and policies articulating accommodations for one’s religious and spiritual practices. Read more

Fostering Moral Development

Alan Acosta, Clark University

Many higher education practitioners believe, deservedly so, that it is a moral obligation for higher education institutions and professionals to teach students how to engage in democratic processes. As higher education professionals continue to conceptualize how to do so, including the various ways democracy can be realized through digital media is an imperative aspect of that education. Helping students understand what appropriate and inappropriate civic engagement looks like is essential to shaping a future generation of citizens. Read more.