Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.57 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Meet the Pillars: Jeffrey Putnam and Elana Sandoval-Lucero

Supporting the Profession
April 30, 2020

Each year, the NASPA Foundation recognizes a series of distinguished individuals who have served as leaders, teachers, and scholars in student affairs and higher education. The Pillar of the Profession Award honors members of the profession who have provided significant service to NASPA through regional and/or national leadership role, created a lasting impact on the institutions and organizations at which they have worked, leaving a legacy of extraordinary service recognized by a cross-section of stakeholders, and demonstrated sustained, lifetime professional distinction in the field of student affairs and/or higher education. Each individual is nominated and supported for designation as a Pillar by colleagues, students, friends, or others who find them deserving of this honor.

Jeffrey Putnam

Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

“Dr. Putman is the consummate ‘change agent’ who empowers and enables higher education professionals to be self-directed leaders instead of managers. He consistently encourages his team to be willing to take risks and to accept failures so that their impact can be felt long after change has been made.”
– Cedric B. Howard, Vice President, Enrollment Student Services

Elana Sandoval-Lucero

Vice President, Boulder County Campus, Front Range Community College

“She cares intensely about her staff and students, and in particular those individuals from underserved and overlooked groups. Elena was a key champion for the college’s work on inclusive excellence and her leadership in her four years as vice president at the college was instrumental in the progress we made on equity and inclusion.”
– Betsy Oudenhoven, President, Community College of Aurora

If selected as a Pillar, the nominator and an assigned Foundation Board member will raise $3,500 in the name of the individual being nominated to further research and scholarship in student affairs. If you are in a position to consider, a gift to the NASPA Foundation in honor of a 2020 Pillar of the Profession will empower new outreach and expanded opportunities to support the field as we navigate unprecedented times in higher ed.

Donate to the 2020 Pillars of the Profession Class