Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.57 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Meet the Pillars: Michael Coomes and Jacob Diaz

Supporting the Profession
May 26, 2020

Each year, the NASPA Foundation recognizes a series of distinguished individuals who have served as leaders, teachers, and scholars in student affairs and higher education. The Pillar of the Profession Award honors members of the profession who have provided significant service to NASPA through regional and/or national leadership role, created a lasting impact on the institutions and organizations at which they have worked, leaving a legacy of extraordinary service recognized by a cross-section of stakeholders, and demonstrated sustained, lifetime professional distinction in the field of student affairs and/or higher education. Each individual is nominated and supported for designation as a Pillar by colleagues, students, friends, or others who find them deserving of this honor.

Michael Coomes

Emeritus Associate Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs, Bowling Green State University

"He has continued to mentor me as a professional and challenge my thinking. In the last few years, I have sent four advisees to BGSU for graduate school. Every fall, I can expect to receive a photo of Mike with my advisee from opening convocation. One of these students was one of his last advisees before retirement. They were fortunate to be able to learn and grow under the advisement of Dr. Coomes like I did so many years ago." 
– Lisa Holliday, Associate Dean of Students & Director of Student Activities, Willamette University

Jacob Diaz

Regional Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Student Success / Dean of Students, University of South Florida

“When I consider student affairs colleagues and leaders that have ‘broken barriers’ and are committed to student affairs, educational access, employment and mentoring those from diverse backgrounds I place Dr. Jacob Diaz at the top of the list. I know of few individuals who genuinely demonstrate and live on a daily basis a commitment to students and advancing diversity and inclusion as Dr. Diaz.” 
– Patricia S. Helton, PhD, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Student Success, University of South Florida St. Petersburg

If selected as a Pillar, the nominator and an assigned Foundation Board member will raise $3,500 in the name of the individual being nominated to further research and scholarship in student affairs. If you are in a position to consider, a gift to the NASPA Foundation in honor of a 2020 Pillar of the Profession will empower new outreach and expanded opportunities to support the field as we navigate unprecedented times in higher ed.

Donate to the 2020 Pillars of the Profession Class