MRKC Conference Blog
Transracial Adoptee and Multiracial
March 2, 2015
Multiracial Students, Minority Status, and Higher Education (3/23 at 8:30am, Marriott Blaine Kern Ballroom)
How to support Multiracial Women Students at Predominantly White Institutions (3/23 at 1:15pm, 229 convention center
· Check out our opportunities to take photos to tell your identity story at MRKC events and use social media to share these photos
As a New Professional who identifies as Multiracial, being involved in the MRKC has helped me to further develop in my knowledge of how to support and serve multiracial students. Truly, I have learned how to better serve all students as a professional through this work. The opportunity to learn from our amazing leadership team and membership has been incredible. The MRKC has also provided a support community from which I can learn and grow through the work that we do to serve our students. I am so grateful for our membership and our leadership, and hope you take the time to be involved and learn about ways you can help us in this work. Our Leadership Team looks forward to seeing you in NOLA! MRKC Co-Chair Elect Christina Wan