Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.69 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

NASPA Past Regional Director: Outgoing RD Reflection

Region IV-W Region IV-W
February 28, 2017 Wayne Young Jr.

Howdy Region IV-West!  It has been a wonderful ride to work with and learn from all of you over the past few years.  A few comments as I complete my role as the Past Regional Director.

Regional Leadership

Dr. Jerrid Freeman is a great leader for our region and has several important efforts underway to continue serving the membership of our region, our family.  I am equally excited that Ms. Shana Meyer has been elected as our Regional Director-Elect.  Shana has been an outstanding leader for our region on the National board for the past year or two and her election solidifies our region for the future.  Indeed, we are in great hands with Dr. Freeman and Ms. Meyer.  I would also be amiss if I didn’t take the opportunity to thank Dr. Teresa Clounch for her willingness to run for the Regional Director position.  Teresa ran a wonderful conference in Beaver Creek with her co-chair, Dr. Joe Ecklund, and her willingness to serve the region was also greatly appreciated and I look forward to her future leadership in our region as well.

Role of NASPA

NASPA continues to be the partner Student Affairs professionals need.  As our worlds continue to evolve with presidential elections, student protests, shrinking budgets, new needs for services, and so many other changes—it is extremely obvious to me that we must take time to connect, reflect, and renew.  Our strength as a profession is two-fold in my opinion:  we are a field of learners and a community of colleagues.  We don’t look at one another as competitors, but as companions who also support students in their educational journeys.  NASPA is a critical piece of this process and I hope each of you continues to find ways to get involved in the many ways NASPA serves student affairs professionals.

Thank You

This blog write-up is my final task as the Past Regional Director for NASPA Region IV-West.  I truly would like to, again, say thank you to all the fine folks at the National NASPA office, to all my colleagues in the other regions, and—most importantly—to the fine people of Region IV-West.  Since I was a young professional, I was introduced to NASPA Region IV-West as a family…and I have always thought of our region as a family since.  Today, I see professionals sharing program ideas, combining forces on grants, showing support to others when things are hard on a campus, and empowering one another to find new ways to serve, challenge, and support our students in their learning.  As for me, I truly appreciate the chance to have served as a leader for the regional board and as your representative to the national NASPA board.  This has been a wonderful, exciting learning opportunity for me and I truly thank the region for this opportunity to serve all of you.  I have been honored and humbled to do so.  Thank you, Region IV-West Family!