Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.95 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

NASPA provides more opportunities in Online Learning Community

Supporting the Profession
January 14, 2015 Stephanie Rizk NASPA

Most working professionals struggle to actually complete all the training they intend to do in a given year. How many times have you signed up for a conference, seminar, or workshop and had to cancel? How many webinars have you missed when a minor crisis popped up on campus? How many books and journals are stacked and unread on your desk? We all struggle to make the time to invest in our own skills and knowledge. But the fact remains that high quality relevant learning can pay dividends for your career performance.

For many, hybrid and online learning is one of the easiest ways to engage in and learn to apply new knowledge. Our online learning platform is convenient - globally available on PCs and mobile devices (the platform can be viewed in 39 languages). The experience can be easily consumed in the short windows usually available to a working professional. And, it is easy to skip around to get just the info you need. The NASPA platform has the added feature of providing easy access to peers and experts so promising practices can be shared widely. 

For NASPA, our Online Learning Community is a real investment in the field, designed to give student affairs professionals easy access to the unmatched quality of the strength of our members as experts in their fields. Knowledge Communities are hard at work creating OnDemand modules and new online courses and modules can be proposed by ANY expert at any time. In addition, our standing in the community allows us to call on partner organizations and ensure that their expertise can be accessed, interpreted to better apply to the student affairs field, and easily available across the globe.  

We have composed a series of starter packs in five key areas for student affairs professionals. They cost $99 per pack.

  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention – 11 modules
  • Assessment and Evaluation – 15 modules
  • Equity and Inclusion – 8 modules
  • Health and Wellness Promotion – 16 modules
  • Leadership and Management – 10 modules

By making it easier to both acquire knowledge and to share knowledge, the NASPA Online Learning Community aims to open new opportunities for many in our field.

This post is part of the 15 Days of NASPA campaign. To learn more about this activity, as well as about the #NASPAshares Stipends, an opportunity for new professionals and graduate students to win registration and stipend money to attend the 2015 NASPA Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA, please see the blog announcement.

Today’s key word of the day is “great”.