Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 5.8 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

NASPA Volunteers get #NASPAProps in April

Supporting the Profession
April 4, 2017 Nathan Victoria NASPA

April is a time of celebration in student affairs. From end-of-year banquets to commencements and lavender graduations, our campus communities spend this month honoring the accomplishments of students and staff. At NASPA, we celebrate April as National Volunteer Month, providing an opportunity to take pause and give thanks for the thousands of volunteers who work tirelessly to enrich our organization.

Volunteering at NASPA encompasses much more than just board-level service. With so many opportunities, it is only a matter of a little exploration to find just the right fit for your interest areas, available time, and experience level. Mentoring a future student affairs professional through the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program, reviewing programs for one of our many educational conferences, and contributing blog posts to one of our constituent groups or knowledge communities are just a few ways in which you can give of your time and talent to NASPA in a volunteer capacity.

From the multi-year commitments of our board-level volunteers, to those who offer a few hours of service onsite at an event, we want to say #NASPAProps! Your generosity enables NASPA to continue to grow and improve our support of the field year after year. As we spend the month finding ways to express our gratitude for all you do, we want to hear from you about your WHY behind volunteering and how your efforts make a difference in your community.

The best part? Your participation enters you into a raffle for TWO AWESOME THANK YOU PRIZES!

Getting yourself entered is easy! In the comments below, answer at least one of these questions:

  • Why do you volunteer for NASPA?
  • What have you gained from your volunteer experience?
  • How has this volunteering affected you, your campus, or the students you support?

We’ll be re-sharing some of the answers throughout the month on our social media channels, and we encourage you to follow @naspapics on Instagram to catch volunteers being thanked for their service by the NASPA staff and Board using the hashtag #NASPAProps.

And now for what we really care about….the PRIZES! 

GRAND PRIZE: A complimentary on-campus training with NASPA President, Dr. Kevin Kruger, to take place during the 2017-2018 academic year. The winner will also enjoy a private lunch with Kevin during the visit.

NOT-SO-SECOND PLACE PRIZE: A 1-hour virtual consulting meeting with a member of the NASPA Executive Committee, and a NASPA Swag Bag, including publications, branded tchotchkes, and more!

Winners of the two raffles will be announced in May, so make sure to comment on this blog by midnight April 30 to be entered.

To kick off April right (and hopefully the first of many times you hear it from us this month): Thank you to all of our volunteers who make NASPA’s work possible! #NASPAProps to all of you!

Looking for ways to continue your service to NASPA? Check out the new and improved Volunteer Central for all the ways to get involved and give back!