Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

News from our Regional Director

Region IV-W
April 13, 2020 Teresa Clounch Region IV-West Director

Hello 4-West Family,

Welcome to the new members to the NASPA IV-West Family! Welcome back continuing members! We look forward to working with you. You will receive a newsletter giving you highlights and information to keep you updated on our region. We hope that you will make new connections across the region as well as reconnect with colleagues and friends.

While we were not able to connect in the usual way through our annual NASPA meeting in Austin, we have found ways to remain connected during this busy and challenging time. A challenge may be how we remain connected. The connection. It is important to remain connected across our respective campus and region.

During this challenging time of social distancing, I have reconnected with my favorite thing, music! I love any song that will get me moving, singing, and dancing. One of my favorite songs is “We Are Family” Sister Sledge. The vocal group, who are actual sisters of the same family, belt out their golden rule, is to “Have faith in you and the things you do, You won’t go wrong, this is our family jewel.” This is a time for us to have faith in ourselves, in our students, and colleagues, that we will get through this time by supporting each other.

That support comes in knowing your IV-West Cabinet and Advisory Board, will work on your behalf to keep us connected through this current time and beyond. While we may not remain connected in what we consider the traditional way, we believe we will get through this together as an IV-West Family.

Just as NASPA re-tooled and thought about how to offer conference options, we will work to do the same. We will work to provide updates regarding our joint 2020 Conference in Chicago with IV-East and the planning as we learn information and are able to share. We know having an opportunity to connect in a safe way is key.

In closing, I look forward to serving as your Regional Director. Thank you for entrusting this opportunity to lead our region. I know we are going to be alright.

Remember, We Are Family!