Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.69 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

News from your Regional Director

Region IV-W Region IV-W
September 30, 2018 Shana Warkentine Meyer

This is it—the NASPA Blog to end all NASPA Blogs. It holds high drama, intrigue, mystery, suspense, rising drama, an inspirational message, and ends with a slow clap of approval for all that is going on in the Region.  The only thing missing is explosions, and when Michael Bay gets a hold of this blog, detonations will be added in the film version.

This month, the action peaks to a climax with the Regional Conference in Wichita, Kansas. It’s our very own higher education documentary, and the learning opportunities are endless, from pre-conference sessions to keynote speakers.  Graduate students and new professionals can put theory to practice by participating in the case study competition. It’s an opportunity to learn from the experts in our region, who will present on topics they are passionate about. We will be inspired while honoring the superstars of our profession and make new connections from across a 10-state area.

Beyond the conference--blogs, professional development opportunities, research, scholarships, networking and information—it is all for YOU.  The next opportunity for involvement is here for our graduate students.  Supporting roles are available in the Graduate Associate Program!  Kudos to the four institutions who are already represented (University of Northern Colorado, Fort Hays State University, Colorado State University, The University of Kansas)...are there others at your institution who might be interested in participating?  There has been a small extension (now due October 2)--we'd love to have your representation!  Please spread the word, and apply here:  http://apps.naspa.org/cfp/evt_frm_user.cfm?event_id=858

If we’ve not yet drawn you in with all.the.things, what can we do to better support you in your role? 

Just like any good movie, a good script keeps the narrative moving forward.  While improvisation is encouraged, having a solid set of goals will help us to advance our roles, our students, our profession. The NASPA Advisory Board is exploring that very issue through the creation of a new Strategic Plan.  Based on members’ feedback, key goal statements that have been drafted are:

Equity, Inclusion, & Social Justice

  • Goal Statement:  Invest in and advocate for equitable and inclusive practices that promote the development of more socially just post-secondary education institutions.

Advocacy for Student Success

  • Goal Statement:  Advocate with and for student affairs educators to support student learning and success in post-secondary education.

Professional Development & Engagement

  • Goal Statement:  Provide education, training resources, and volunteer engagement opportunities that enable student affairs professionals to address current and future issues in post-secondary education.

Research & Scholarship

  • Goal Statement: Generate research & scholarship that supports evidence-based, emergent, and socially just practices in student affairs and post-secondary education

We will be joined by Board Chair Penny Rue at the regional conference, where we will discuss these over-arching areas, as well as objectives and tactics that will help us advance the mission of NASPA to benefit you—our member. If you can’t make it to the regional conference, there will be online feedback options so we can hear from you, as well.  What are some tactics we could engage in that would help to advance these areas? How might they assist you in helping students to succeed? How might they assist you in succeeding?

When it comes to the Strategic Plan, YOU are the star, and Wichita will be our next big stage moment.  While there may not be car chases and explosions, our regional conference will be sure to educate & entertain.  I hope to see you there!