Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.95 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

SA Weekly: January 28

Health, Safety, and Well-being Civic Engagement Policy and Advocacy Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Campus Safety and Violence Prevention Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
January 28, 2019 Maya Ward-Fineman NASPA

­Welcome to SA Weekly, your destination for higher ed news, NASPA research and policy, constituent blogs, and more.

Survival of the Proactive “Small-college leaders share how their institutions have attempted to ward off enrollment crises before they happen.”

Multiple Warnings, No Action “University of Utah student told campus police officers multiple times she was worried about repeated, harassing text messages from ex-boyfriend. They did little to help her, and he murdered her, on campus. Experts say the tragedy points to the need for colleges to do more about domestic violence.”

Notre Dame Will Cover Columbus Murals “University says it is trying to balance the inspiration the murals gave to Roman Catholic immigrants more than a century ago and the pain the paintings create for Native Americans today.”

Slow and Steady for Competency-Based Education “While competency-based education is spreading gradually, interest and optimism about it remain high, and experts say careful growth is best.”

Vape Violations “College administrators are figuring out how electronic cigarettes, which are exploding in popularity, fit into their antismoking policies.”

By Any Other Name “Liberal education advocates discuss ways to ‘reclaim’ conversations about academe -- in part by not using the term ‘liberal arts.’”

Disappearing Language Offerings “Study documents decline in languages offered for instruction at American colleges over three-year period.”

Student-Centered Learning and Student Buy-In “Study finds that student resistance to curriculum innovation decreases over time as it becomes the institutional norm, and that students increasingly link active learning to their learning gains over time.” 

Research & Policy

January 28th NASPA Policy Update by Diana Ali, NASPA Policy Analyst

Advancing the Movement on Emergency Aid—Reflections from NASPA’s National Convening on Emergency Aid by Omari Burnside, Assistant Vice President for Strategy and Practice 

Around NASPA

Scholar’s Corner: Learning to Do It All with Grace by Dr. Nancy Acevedo-Gil, Latinx/a/o Knowledge Community

So You Wanna be an Activist (Or Maybe You Don’t, but You Really Care About Some Stuff) by Berengére Phillips, Women in Student Affairs

The Student Newspaper: An Unexpected Pathway to Student Affairs by Lauren Villella, New Professionals and Graduate Students Knowledge Community