Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.69 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

SA Weekly: October 8

Civic Engagement Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
October 8, 2018 Maya Ward-Fineman NASPA

Welcome to SA Weekly, your new destination for higher ed news, NASPA research and policy, constituent blogs, and more.

Missed Deadline Stalls DeVos Agenda “Education Department says it won't meet November deadline to overhaul borrower-defense and gainful-employment rules, raising the stakes for legal challenges to the Obama-era regulations.”

Trump: 'A Very Scary Time' for Young Men “As Education Department and many colleges consider policies on sexual assault, the president's comments on his Supreme Court nominee appear to take a side.”

Maximizing Success for First-Gen Students “More four-year colleges are working to help first-generation college students succeed. But a new report says real progress requires institutional shifts, not just adding new programs.”

Harassment at the Annual Meeting “Historians join political scientists in documenting the unprofessional and illegal behavior women experience at annual gatherings.”

Keeping Cornell Multilingual “Arts and sciences faculty sticks with a three-course-sequence foreign language requirement, even as other institutions shrink their language requirements.”

Research & Policy

October 8 NASPA Policy Update by Diana Ali, NASPA Policy Analyst

The Real Costs of Title IX Rollbacks: In Conversation with OMB by Dr. Jill Dunlap, NASPA Director of Research and Practice 

Around NASPA

Careers in Student Affairs Month by Ali Moss, Professional Standards Division

Embedding Interfaith Learning Into Curricular and Co-curricular Spaces by Janett I. Cordovés, Spirituality and Religion in Higher Education Knowledge Community

The Intersection Between Humility and Awards Season by Taylor Stokes, Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community

Committing to Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement: Make It A Strategic Priority by Moraine Valley Community College, Lead Initiative

From Boom to Bust?” The Changing Landscape of Student Enrollment in Higher Education by Daryl Healea, Enrollment Management Knowledge Community