Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.14 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Share Your Wisdom in 2015

Womxn in Student Affairs
January 28, 2015 Renee Piquette Dowdy

I recently purchased my first house. Up first on the agenda was to clean, something I anticipated to be a pretty straight-forward task. I got out my Swiffer Wet Jet, set out to mop. Pressing the little button on the handle, I prepared for simple and blissful (okay, that's wishful thinking) housekeeping. But then there was nothing. No cleaning solution. Not even a little sound. I faintly recalled there being batteries in the mop and figured replacing them was the likely and simple solution.

Ten minutes later, I'm sitting on the still dirty kitchen floor surrounded by screws and screwdrivers. I took apart the pole, jimmied a screwdriver to open up the handle, and flipped the mop back and forth searching for where batteries could be kept. Just as I was wishing I had Googled how to do this in the first place and contemplating that I could have gone to Target and returned back with a new one, I found it. A convenient panel that easily flipped open was behind the cleaning solution and revealed the batteries. Of course it was that easy.

Have you ever felt that way with your work? We search and flip a problem over and over again often times simply needing another perspective. Not that many of our problems are a Google search, Target run, or flip of a panel away, but it is our hope with this blog that the pieces of wisdom you pick up from one another will help you with your daily work.

We would like to invite you to select a month in 2015 to submit a post. Share what you've learned. What do you do each day that makes you effective? How did you approach a challenging student issue? How do you lift up and develop your staff? When did you fail and, most important, how did you bounce back from the lesson learned? Our strength is in our stories and each of us has one to share.

Maybe you are not interested in writing. Use this as an invitation to call, email, or go to a colleague's office. Share that you see the wisdom there and that the story would be valuable in our community.

Utilize our form located here to share your information and which month you would like to contribute. Email wisakcblog@gmail.com with questions or communication about the blog. We look forward to learning from your wisdom in 2015!