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Special Article Collection on Student Activism: Open Access Through December 31, 2015

October 29, 2015 Jon C. Dalton Florida State University

Student activism has long been a part of college life in American universities.  Since the 1960s and especially with the communications revolution brought about by the internet and social media, college students have increasingly refused to accept their college years as a moratorium from life.  Today, college students are engaged in a wide range of social, political and consumer activities both on-campus and off.

Colleges and universities are often ambivalent about the role of student activism.  On one hand, most seek to cultivate moral and civic commitment as an integral part of their educational mission.  On the other hand, they frequently resist and sometimes suppress student activism when it becomes loud and disruptive to the routine of campus life.

The topic of student activism and its place in contemporary higher education is the focus of this special collection of current and past articles compiled by the editors of the Journal of College and Character.  We are pleased to provide JCC readers this special open access resource on a topic of great concern to student affairs administrators, faculty and others interested in critical issues in higher education today.

Go to  http://explore.tandfonline.com/content/ed/ujcc-student-activism-free-articles for the following articles, which will be open access through December 31, 2015:

• Universities and the Decline of Civic Responsibility
Volume 2 Issue 9 (2001)
Derek Bok

 • Strengthening Spirituality and Civic Engagement in Higher Education
Volume 8 Issue 1 (2007)
Arthur Chickering

Frame-Changing Experiences and the Freshman Year: Catalyzing a Commitment to Service-Work and Social Action
Volume 8 Issue 2 (2007)
Scott Seider

• From Volunteering to Voting: Higher Education's Role in Preparing College Students for Political Engagement
 Volume 9 Issue 4 (2008)
 Jon Dalton & Pamela Crosby

• Intersections of Political and Moral Development
Volume 10 Issue 1 (2008)
Anne Colby

• Higher Education and Habits of the Heart: Restoring Democracy's Infrastructure
Volume 12 Issue 3 (2001)
Parker J. Palmer

• Undergraduate Student Leadership and Social Change
 Volume 14 Issue 3 (2013)
 Krista Soria, Alexander Fink, Christine Lepkowski & Lynn Snyder

• Part of the “Establishment”? Fostering Positive Campus Climates for Student Activists
Volume 15 Issue 2 (2014)
Christopher Broadhurst & Georgianna L. Martin

• Predictors of College Students Engaging in Social Change Behaviors
Volume 15 Issue 3 (2014)
Matthew Johnson

• Does How Students Serve Matter? What Characteristics of Service Programs Predict Students’ Social Justice Attitudes?
Volume 15 Issue 4 (2014)
Joshua Littenberg-Tobias

• Understanding Civic Identity in College
Volume 16 Issue 1 (2015)
David J. Weerts & Alberto F. Cabrera

• Joining the Struggle: White Men as Social Justice Allies
Volume 16 Issue 3 (2015)
Christopher Edward Bridges & Peter Mather