Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.69 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Updates from Professional Standards Division

Region IV-W Region IV-W
February 28, 2017 Vince Loffredo

Small Colleges & Universities Advisory Group is looking for a couple of new faces!

The Region IV-W SCU advisory group is seeking new members representing the states of Missouri and Kansas. This group assists the IV-W SCU liaison in advocating for issues related to Small Colleges and University, cultivates professional development programs for SCU membership at region conferences and events, and provides feedback to the IV-W Board and SCU Liaison to be communicated at the national level.  The group will meet via conference call on a quarterly basis with additional calls to plan region activities as needed.  Anyone interested in becoming more involved in Region IV-W, who works at an SCU is eligible. Please contact carrie.petr@doane.edu of more information.

How to Get Involved with Public Policy at NASPA

Research and Policy Institute (RPI)—Visit the RPI website for a weekly policy analysis blog post, along with regular publications, such as our “Legal Links” and “Five Things Briefs” series from the RPI team: https://www.naspa.org/rpi

Public Policy Division (PPD)—Learn more about the PPD and receive insight from the leadership through monthly blog posts: https://www.naspa.org/constituent-groups/groups/public-policy-division

Policy Briefing Series—Join us monthly for digestible, 30-minute webinars on current policy topics and the higher education landscape: https://olc.naspa.org/catalog/naspa-policy-briefing-series


*Check the boxes!*—Log into your user profile and in your communication preferences check the boxes “RPI Digest” and “Public Policy Division” to receive updates about blog posts, publications, and more!

*Stay tuned!*—The Policy and Advocacy Team is planning a number of new collaborations and initiatives in the upcoming year. Look out for additional information to stay involved in NASPA’s weekly update.

*Reach out!*--Contact the Policy and Advocacy Team: Director of Policy Research and Advocacy Teri Lyn Hinds: thinds.naspa.org and Policy Analyst Diana Ali: dali@naspa.org