Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Volunteer & Engagement Opportunities

Region IV-W
August 3, 2020 Alyssa Wendel Kansas State University


Have you been looking or hearing about ways to get involved with NASPA IV-West? We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available which you can see right now on Volunteer Central. Region IV-West serves ten states and two Canadian provinces. Each state and province has a membership coordinator who create meaningful involvement opportunities for members, promote the benefits of NASPA membership at state professional meetings that might include potential new NASPA members; develop processes to recruit and retain both individual and institutional members. State Membership Coordinators serve as active and vocal members of the Regional Advisory Board and assist the Regional Director and myself to develop the vision and goals for the board in general and for membership specifically. State Membership Coordinators serve in the volunteer role for two years. Typically, terms start and end at the annual conference but we are still filling state coordinator positions. The following positions are available for the 2020-2022 term:

  • Colorado
  • Nebraska
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • South Dakota
  • Wyoming
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan

If you are interested in becoming a State Membership Coordinator, please visit Volunteer Central for more details about the volunteer positions or email myself, awendel@ksu.edu


Undergraduate students, graduate students, and new professionals, we are extremely disappointed we will not be together in person this fall in Chicago! While we will not be together in Chicago, we do have an opportunity to engage with you throughout this upcoming fall semester. Before we plan things ourselves, we wanted to get your input first. We had fun plans for you in Chicago and we do not want to let time pass an entire year without engaging as a IV-West community.

  • Would you want to be paired with a seasoned professional to learn more about their journey into higher education, how the navigated different positions, how they selected a graduate school, etc.?
  • Would you want to participate in Mock Interviews? Will you be preparing for TPE or a new job in the next year?
  • Are you interested in round table discussions based on functional areas?

Please complete the survey here so we can provide you with engagement opportunities that YOU want! We may also have some giveaways along the way for participation!

If you are interested in becoming a State Membership Coordinator, please visit Volunteer Central for more details about the volunteer positions or email myself, awendel@ksu.edu

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!


Alyssa Wendel

NASPA IV-West Membership Coordinator
