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Execution Time: 2.8 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

What are your opportunities?

Student Success Womxn in Student Affairs
November 25, 2015 Dr. Shelly Morris Mumma Saint Norbert College

Last night, I sat and watched Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving.  I don’t know if it was on TV earlier in the month, but when I saw it was on last night, I had to sit and watch.  When I was a kid (in the 70s), the seasonal Charlie Brown specials were an EVENT.  You knew when they were going to be on and EVERYONE watched them.  At least that’s what it seemed like in my home and with friends at school.  Now, you barely know when they’ll be on and it seems like I rarely hear anyone talking about them.  Maybe if I had younger kids I’d hear about them more, but it’s certainly changed with the proliferation of cable channels, DVDs, streaming services, etc. 

 But, I digress…..

 Watching that special got me to thinking about all the things that I’m thankful for.  (I am purposely ignoring the 2nd Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special that came on after it that supposedly told the story of the Mayflower, etc.  That’s not the “real” Charlie Brown special and it certainly wasn’t historically accurate.)  And, as always seems to happen, I quickly got distracted by other things that needed to get done. 

 Then, this morning when I got to the office, the quote on the calendar for today is, “Getting older is not a personal attack. It is an opportunity.”  This is very similar to a conversation that one of my colleagues has been having with students lately.  When students complain about having to go to class, she reminds them that they should be saying, “I GET to go to class.”  They should be thinking about the fact that they have this wonderful opportunity that many others do not. 

 The last couple of weeks have been personally difficult, which I won’t get into here, but it’s made it a little more difficult to think about those things for which I’m thankful.  However, that quote combined with Charlie Brown and a conversation with my colleague, has got me thinking again. I have opportunities.

 I have the opportunity to get up everyday and go to a job that I truly enjoy.  The students with whom I work are awesome and do great things.  I appreciate them. 

 I have the opportunity to come home at night to a comfortable home where my family, whom I love, also reside.  They may not actually be in the house at that time of day, but their presence is a part of what makes our house a home. 

 I have the opportunity to get older and with each day that means I get just a tiny bit wiser. I hope I’m able to share the things I learn with others.

 I have the opportunity to spend time with friends.  In fact, just this weekend, I spent time with friends while we worked on various crafting projects and just had time to chat.  And, for those friends I don’t get to see in person very often, I am able to connect with them via social media. 

 I could continue to list all sorts of things that are opportunities in my life, these are just a select few.  I want you to think about all of your opportunities.  What are the things that you get to do that not everyone is able to experience?  What are the things you appreciate? 

 Thanksgiving is a holiday that inspires mixed emotions.  It’s a reminder to be thankful, but the true history of the day is incredibly disappointing.  So, I choose to use Thanksgiving as the entry to the holiday season and the end of the year when reflection seems natural and is important to recognize the opportunities that we have.  And, for all of these things, I am thankful. 


Shelly Morris Mumma is the Director of Leadership, Student Engagement & First Year Experience at St. Norbert College.