Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 5.8 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Why I Give: Lori White

Supporting the Profession Region IV-W Region IV-W
November 19, 2018 Lori White DePauw University

As we approach the NASPA Annual Day of Giving on November 27, our NASPA Region VI-West colleagues reflect on their journey and commitment to NASPA through giving to the NASPA Foundation.  These NASPA members are making it real for other members to consider their opportunities to give and support NASPA initiatives that make a difference.

Featuring Lori White, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Washington University in St. Louis

From 1991-1995 I was fortunate to be able to attend graduate school on a fellowship which enabled me (along with regular contributions from friends and family members who took pity on my tight graduate student budget) to complete my Ph.D debt free. Receiving my doctorate, coupled with the incredible mentoring I have received throughout my career and the network and leadership opportunities that have come about through my involvement with NASPA,  have all helped me enjoy a successful student affairs career for over 35 years. While in graduate school I made a commitment that once I graduated I would annually contribute a certain percent of my income so that others would be able to also have similar educational and professional opportunities.  That means in addition to the annual contributions I make to my alma maters, the institution where I work, my church and non-profit organizations, I also ALWAYS give to NASPA. Why NASPA? Contributions to the NASPA Foundation are a way for me to help provide scholarships for new and emerging professionals to attend NASPA Programs; to honor my mentors and peers who are named Pillars of the Profession; to support my colleagues’ research and innovative ideas; and to help sustain our association so that  NASPA continues to be a resource for future student affairs professionals long after I retire (which I have no plans on doing anytime soon).  I believe we each have a responsibility to pay it forward and support those causes and organizations most meaningful to us. So if you too you have a NASPA mentor you wish to honor; a young professional you want to ensure has an opportunity to participate in a NASPA program;  a research project or innovative idea that you think NASPA sound sponsor and/or you want to make sure NASPA is around for your great-grand mentees then I hope you will join me in giving to NASPA and consider making a gift to the NASPA Foundation today!