Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Women's Words of Wisdom Dessert Reception: October 24, 2018

Region IV-W Region IV-W
June 27, 2018 Sara Mata Foundation Chair-Elect

Please join us, Wednesday Oct. 24th at 7:30 p.m. at the conference hotel for the third annual Women's Words of Wisdom Dessert Reception. This event provides an opportunity for women in student affairs to socialize and hear from outstanding women in the field providing words of inspiration in the hopes of supporting our female colleagues at all levels of their career. Phenomenal women, we believe to be role models in the field, will provide a 5 minute prepared SA Speaks style presentation to participants about lessons learned, motivation, inspiration, or anything else she might feel would be beneficial in sharing with women as they make the journey of their career path. To showcase the women who will be speaking this year in Wichita, KS, we will highlight them leading up to the conference. For our first installment, we are thrilled to share with you Dr. Keegan Nichols.

Dr. Keegan Nichols was named Vice President for Student Affairs at Arkansas Tech University in June 2017. She oversees the following areas that provide support and services to students: Diversity and Inclusion; Campus Life (Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Government Association, Orientation, Leadership, Community Service); Town and Gown Relations; Public Safety (Emergency Management & Police); International Student Services; Student Conduct; Title IX; Residence Life; and Student Wellness (Counseling, Nursing, Disability Services, Testing).

Dr. Nichols is known around campus for her dedication and support to all students which is evident in the national, regional, and local awards she received. In 2016-17, students nominated, and Dr. Nichols received, Sigma Phi Epsilon Outstanding Staff Member of the Year; the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows (NUFP) Outstanding Support Award, Fort Hays State University Outstanding Faculty, Greek Life Award, and the NACA Frank Harris Outstanding Student Government Advisor Award.

Professionally, Dr. Nichols is committed to helping the profession. She currently serves as the NASPA Region IV-W Professional Standards Chair and has served as the NASPA 2017 Region IV-W conference co-chair; 2017 NASPA Law Conference Steering Committee; NASPA National AVP Representative; and NASPA National AVP Aspiring AVP Chair.

A native from Arkansas, Dr. Nichols, began her career in student affairs in 2003. She received her Doctorate of Education from Northern Illinois University. Her dissertation was titled, “Learning to Supervise: Mid-level Managers’ Individual Learning Journeys.”  Dr. Nichols studied at University of Central Missouri to receive her Master of Science in Student Personnel Administration degree. She received her Bachelor of Science in Special Education from University of Central Arkansas. Dr. Nichols enjoys spending time with family, spending time outdoors, and traveling.

Join us in Wichita to hear Dr. Nichols and others at this year’s Women’s Words of Wisdom. Registration cost for this event is $15 per person which includes a drink ticket and dessert. Add to your registration prior to checking out!

If you have already registered and have applied payment, please contact events@naspa.org with your added session selection and it will be added to your existing registration.

For additional information feel free to contact Abby Vollmer abby.vollmer@doane.edu, Carla Stein Carla.Stein@frontrange.edu or Sara Mata sara.mata@ou.edu.