Making a Difference: Profiles of Successful Student Affairs Leaders
Supporting the Profession Senior Level
August 20, 2013
The future success of colleges and universities depends upon effective leadership. Impressive efforts have been made in recent years to develop and encourage leadership through graduate education, seminars, workshops, institutes, and national conferences. The quality and quantity of research and writing about leadership is also at an all-time high. An important dimension of leadership is often missing in the literature: personal stories about how highly successful leaders achieved their success. This book presents profiles of 15 outstanding student affairs administrators and describes how they built the programs, policies, and relationships that enabled their institutions to excel over a period of at least 20 years. Readers of this book will enjoy learning about the lives and leadership strategies of these successful leaders. They should also gain new insights about the leadership process that can serve them well in facing the challenges within their own institutions.
Paperback | 2001 | 216 pages
ISBN-10: 0-931654-29-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-931654-29-9