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Execution Time: 2.23 ms
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge

Civic Engagement Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
Catherine Fish

Is your campus committed to educating active and engaged citizens? Could you use some structure and support for your democratic engagement and student voting efforts? Are you interested in joining the 400 institutions that are already ALL IN? Attend a  live briefing about the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge to learn about opportunities for recognition for improving civic learning, political engagement, and voting on your campus.

The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, a nonpartisan initiative, recognizes colleges and universities working to improve civic learning, political engagement, and voter participation rates. It encourages campuses to institutionalize curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities that increase democratic engagement, and graduate students with the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and values needed to be active and informed citizens. Campuses join the Challenge, complete a set of steps, are recognized for their commitment, and can earn seals and awards.

The Challenge envisions a more inclusive democracy - one in which all voices are heard. It envisions a country in which the electorate mirrors our population’s makeup and college students are democratically engaged on an ongoing basis, during and between elections, and not just at the polls. With the significant number of students enrolled in our nation’s colleges and universities, a coordinated effort by higher education can make a significant difference in instilling the importance of democratic engagement and ultimately, accelerate long-term change for an improved democracy.

Associate director of the ALL IN Campud Democracy Challenge, Catherine Fish, will share the program's background, mission, and the steps involved in joining and participating. Current members of NASPA's Civic and Democratic Engagement Knowledge Community at the University of Illinois, Chicago, Spencer Long, will discuss his campus’ experience participating in the program. There will also be an opportunity for audience Q&A.

Learning Outcomes

By participating in this session, participants will learn:

  • how to sign up for the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge;
  • about steps involved in participating in the program; and
  • about the ALL IN Challenge’s tools and resources to support their democratic engagement work.
Course Length
60 minutes
Course Type
On Demand

Take This Course