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Execution Time: 2.95 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'
A person holding a Bible open to the Psalms

Religion, Spirituality, Secular Identity Starter Pack

Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Spirituality and Religion in Higher Education Graduate Mid-Level New Professional Senior Level

Students come to us with their whole selves: class, race, gender identity, ability status, sexual orientation - and religion or spirituality. Whether they identify as Muslim, Christian, Jewish, or as a secular humanist, being able to acknowledge and support this extremely important aspect of their identity is critical for student affairs professionals.

This bundled starter pack offers a range of sessions to assist professionals is learning more about individual traditions, and how to support students in bringing their spiritual selves to their college experience. Read below to find out more about each of the included presentations.

Members: $199 Others $249
Course Length
8 hours
Course Type
On Demand

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Included Presentations

Creating a Climate of Safety for Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Students

Every single year, millions of college students come onto college campuses with little to no understanding of their rights related to religious, spiritual, and secular identities. How we protect them and their identities is a question that we have yet to solve. How can a university provide safety for students to express and live out their identities as whole persons?

Hillel: A Jewish Foundation on Campus

Join Cody Nielsen alongside Hal Ossman, Chief Campus Officer for Hillel International for a one-hour discussion that will include conversations about the model itself, the way Hillel professionals are recruited and trained, and conversation about the BDS movement and what it means to the Jewish community on campus.

Hindu Beliefs on Campus

Hindu populations in the United States, while small, are growing and will continue to grow especially on our college campuses. The needs of Hindu students are diverse and important, and despite the small population of the group, their needs should be taken seriously. In this briefing, Hindu students will be discussed at length and beliefs and belief systems of Hindus understood and explained.

Islam in America and on our Campuses: Reducing Stigma, Increasing Support

Our college campuses are becoming increasingly a global environment where all forms of diversity are visible and need support. The religious identity of Muslim students from across the world is no different. Hear from Amer Ahmed, Director of Intercultural Teaching and Faculty Development at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst about this important and timely topic.

Sikh Beliefs on Campus

As a prominent and global tradition, Sikhs hold a special and important place in the spectrum of religious, secular, and spiritual identities in the world. Join Expert in Residence Cody Nielsen alongside preeminent scholar Dr. Simran Jeet Singh for this informative discussion that will unravel some of the mystery surrounding Sikhs and will help professors better support the lives of these students.

Understanding Humanism: A Conversation with Chris Stedman, Humanist Chaplain

The rise of those described as “nones” or those who are not religiously affiliated has steadily increased on college campuses for years. Perceptions that the “nones” are all atheists or anti-religious is prevalent. But Chris Stedman, one of the leading voices in the humanist community in the United States has much to say when it comes to understand those that fall within this category, and specifically those who describe themselves as humanist. Join us for this in depth discussion where we’ll discuss what it means to be humanist in America and on our campuses.

Unpacking Christian Privilege in Student Affairs

Christianity has shaped higher education, even at U.S. institutions that are not currently or historically religious. But how does it shape our work in student affairs, and how can we be equipped to understand the impact of Christian privilege on our students, our work, and ourselves? As our colleges and universities become more religiously diverse, it is increasingly important for student affairs professionals to understand Christian privilege at the personal and institutional levels. Join the panelists as they unpack Christian privilege in student affairs.

Values, Leadership, and Religious Identity

Sharon Parks and Cody Nielsen will look at the emerging trends about leadership development, values, and meaning making in higher education, answering questions about how higher education professionals can respond to the complexity of needs surrounding students in today’s day and age.