Starting from the Bottom: Building First-gen Support Offerings with Little to No Resources
Student Success Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Division Mid-Level Senior Level
Facilitators will share lessons learned as they pioneered campus-wide first-generation student initiatives and worked intentionally with campus colleagues to ignite change.
McNair et al., acknowledge that the landscape in 21st century higher education “presents [a] watershed moment in our nation’s history” given the increase in first-generation college, students of color, adult learners and other so-called “non-traditional” enrollees (McNair, Albertine, Cooper, McDonald & Major, 2016, p. 13). As many of these institutions attempt to become more “student-ready,” there comes a pressing need to pioneer quality programs that support these populations, but often with little or no additional resources. As a result, many professional staff may feel strained to meet these demands while also establishing quality initiatives.
For this session, the presenters will provide concrete ways to establish buy-in from administrators, faculty, and staff when pioneering initiatives from the ground up. Topics will include the importance of institutional context, establishing (unlikely) allies, and garnering faculty partnerships.
Learning Outcomes
By attending this session, participants will:
- learn how to start a campus-wide first-gen program from the ground up;
- gain an understanding of how to develop a program and provide support with minimal funds; and
- identify ways to navigate institutional buy-in.