Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 2.95 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Technology Starter Pack

Career and Workforce Development Technology Graduate Mid-Level New Professional Senior Level

Technology skills in student affairs are no longer an optional area of professional development. Our resources aim to assist in advancing your expertise regardless of your starting point.

This bundled starter pack gives you a great selection of presentations centering on bringing technology into student affairs practice. Look below to find out more about each of the five included sessions.

Members: $199 Others: $249
Course Length
5 hours
Course Type
On Demand

Take This Course

Included Presentations

#CatPulse: Texts and Mini Surveys Keep the Pulse on Student Life at The University of Arizona

Discover how The University of Arizona (UA) uses text messaging and mini surveys to generate insightful information about the identity, culture, attitudes, and needs of its undergraduate students. Learn about the engaging survey method used to understand student trends in higher education.

Implementing Customized Online Orientation

In 2012 the University of Florida set out develop comprehensive online orientation programs to serve the growing needs of specific populations of new students. 3 years later, UF is running individual online orientations for online/distance education students, international students, graduate students, and special cohorts of incoming freshman. Utilizing e-learning platforms, these online orientation provide students with a centralized location for accessing information on university resources and support services, by combining videos, interactive presentations and departmental resource pages. The use of e-learning platforms and existing campus technology has allowed UF to develop an engaging online orientation experience, while being budget conscientious.

When No One Knows Who You Are: Anonymity, Apps, and Accountability

The advent of geo-social, anonymous apps has caused ripples throughout our campus communities over the past years and complicates the ongoing work of helping our students (and ourselves) manage our complex, nuanced, and evolving digital identities. Join Eric Stoller to discuss the latest trends, news, and strategies about anonymous geo-social apps and what it means for your campus/professional practice.

Making Your Media Accessible

Are your “likes,” “follows,” and “pins” accessible to everyone? Innovative technologies can open the door to new connections in higher education and student affairs. At the same time, media can have potential pitfalls that hinder or even prevent full engagement from people in certain populations. In this program, participants will discuss the impetus and implications for accessibility in media, including applying principles of Universal Design to media use. strategies about anonymous geo-social apps and what it means for your campus/professional practice.

Make Your Users Happy: How to Improve the User Experience of Your Website

Whether it's submitting a complaint to the university or finding out how to be more engaged on campus, students use the web to do almost everything. If that experience is a positive one, they're more likely to keep reading, engaging, interacting, and coming back. This session will cover the importance of a good user experience on the web, and give concrete suggestions for how to improve the experience users have with your content. Will include examples and analytics for website redesigns at Indiana University.