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Execution Time: 3.45 ms
Record Count: 1
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Using Campus Climate and Clery Data to Create a Campus Infrastructure to Combat Sexual Violence

Health, Safety, and Well-being Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention, Education, and Response
Leah Reynolds

This presentation explores a university’s attempt to provide a holistic campus wide infrastructure that goes beyond basic compliance. The presenter will discuss a three-tiered prevention model that involves the entire campus community, and utilizes Clery and Campus Climate Survey data to guide the education and programming for the campus. Attendees will be challenged to assess their individual campus, and explore ways to tailor their education and programming needs based of their data.

It's On Blue was developed on Indiana State University’s campus in the spring semester of 2016. It was evident through assessment that the campus was just being Title IX compliant; there was no streamlined approach to prevention and response efforts. In creating a strategic plan for Title IX compliance, It's On Blue was created with specific campus wide learning outcomes in mind. The first step involved reviewing our current Clery numbers and data from the recently launched campus climate survey and vetting what those meant for the campus. It was quickly evident that the campus had an issue with dating violence and stalking across the board among the student population, and the faculty and staff population lacked basic knowledge of resources, prevention, and understanding of Title IX as it relates to sexual violence.

In working with the Vice President of Student Affairs, the division created a Women's Resource Center for the campus. One of the missions of the center is to provide victim advocacy services for our campus community. With this mission, the Women's Resource Center launched the volunteer victim advocate program that trains faculty and staff members to become certified victims advocate for a year. Likewise, we found it equally important that we provided our respondents with the same benefit. In the summer of 2016, we launched our Respondent advocate training program headed by our Associate Dean of Students. 

In coordinating our efforts regarding Title IX, It's On Blue follows the three-tiered prevention model:

  • Primary Prevention: Mandated It’s On Blue training, 2 week instruction on healthy relationships, consent and bystander intervention, monthly programming across campus community on Title IX related issues. 
  • Secondary Prevention: Immediate connection with respondent and victim advocates on campus, free counseling for parties involved, Interim measures taken, 24 hour response from the Title IX coordinator, process transparency.
  • Tertiary Prevention: Evaluating yearly our clery numbers and biannual campus climate survey results to continued tailored prevention programming and educating.

This model is monitored by our Sexual Assault Misconduct Team (SMRT) whose task is to assess our efforts across campus by intentionally programming to our campus needs based off of our Clery Numbers and Campus Climate Survey results yearly.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will: 

  • understand the importance Clery numbers and Campus Climate Surveys play in compliance;
  • recognize the techniques to engaging the entire campus community; and
  • gain awareness of what they need to do to taylor their campus needs when it comes to combatting sexual violence.
Course Length
Course Type
On Demand

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