Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services

Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services

The Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services (AGAPSS) Knowledge Community provides a supportive forum for administrators who work to meet the needs of graduate and professional students.  Members work across many different educational settings and often manage diverse elements of a holistic academic and student services portfolio in support of graduate and professional student success.  Program formats supported by our members include both degree and non-degree student experiences, and range from traditional research-based programs, to professional school offerings, to rapidly evolving and innovative continuing education programs and formats.

NASPA is the professional home for the field of student affairs, and AGAPSS is the home for graduate student advocacy and success within NASPA.

Message from KC Co-Chairs

Welcome to the Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services (AGAPSS) Knowledge Community.  Graduate and professional education is a growing, diverse, and very innovative sector of higher education, and our KC exists to support student affairs professionals working with students in this dynamic setting. We invite you to explore the AGAPSS website and contribute to the life of our KC via our on-going events.

We seek to be a supportive professional community for administrators working with graduate student populations from across all disciplinary settings!  Whether you work in a centralized way with graduate students across your institution, or with students in a specific degree program setting, you are welcome here.  Whether you work with students pursuing advanced degrees in the arts & sciences, or are fostering graduate student success in medicine, law, business, engineering, theology, or any other setting, we look forward to meeting and working with you!

Phil Covington & Jackie Yun

Leadership Team

Knowledge Community national leadership team members are NASPA volunteers who generously donate their time and enjoy advancing the profession!  Comprised of both functional area leaders and regional representatives, they are one team working to support the goals of the Knowledge Community.  Feel free to contact any of them to learn more about their role or the KC.

Functional Leads:

Philip Covington
, KC Co-Chair

Marc Ebelhar, KC Secretary

Chris Hall, KC Elections & Member Involvement Lead

Matt Imboden, KC Past Chair and Special Interest Fund Coordinator

  • Chief Student Services Officer, Wake Forest University School of Business

April Perry, KC Faculty Fellow

  • Associate Professor & HESA Graduate Program Director, Western Carolina University

Valerie Shepard, KC Virtual Learning and Engagement Coordinator

Ethan Williams, KC Communications Lead

Jackie Yun, KC Co-Chair

  • Executive Director, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Student Center, Harvard University


Regional Representatives:

Katie Caponera, Region I Representative

Tom Rock, Region II Co-Representative

Nicole Buckley, Region II Co-Representative

Angela Watts, Region III Co-Representative

  • Director for Student Success, UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing

Alexis Snyder, Region III Co-Representative

  • Graduate Academic Advisor, Virginia Tech University College of Engineering

Juliette Daniels, Region IV-East Representative

  • Assistant Dean for Student Services & Enrollment Management, University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry

Kayla Person, Region IV-West Representative

  • Director of Engineering Graduate Programs, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering

Dinuka Gunaratne, Region V Representative

Rachael Amaro, Region VI Representative

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Get Connected

The AGAPSS Knowledge Community's social meda channels are a great way to connect directly with the KC and other AGAPSS colleagues in a number of ways.  You can find us on Facebook (, LinkedIn (, and Twitter (  

We invite you to connect with colleagues, post job openings, ask questions on best-practice, and share articles on all things related to graduate and professional student support.


2025 NASPA Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services Knowledge Community Awards

Submit a nomination for the Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services Knowledge Community Awards! Recognizing our members for their accomplishments is an important part of the Association's mission and we need members like you to help us recognize deserving individuals!

Member Resources and Events

Regular KC member activities:

  • The AGAPSS KC regularly hosts events at both regional and national levels, all year round!  To stay informed about both in-person and online KC events, be sure that you are signed up to receive Knowledge Community emails via the KC in your NASPA member online profile.
  • We host monthly Networking Meet-ups via Zoom, conduct member surveys on topical items of interest to G&P student servies professionals, host and collaborate on professional development opportunities for members, and facilitate events for interpersonal connection and knowledge creation at regional and national conferences including a tradition of a day-long pre-conference event sponsored by the AGAPSS KC.  We also enjoy collaborating with other KCs within NASPA or relevant G&P oriented associations more broadly, as well as finding opportunities to advocate for our student populations and program settings wherever possible with higher education associations, vendors, publications, and institutions.


AGAPSS Monthly Networking Meet-Ups:

  • Click here to access the AGAPSS KC Meet-Up Calendar to see, and register for, upcoming events!

Resources and References: Graduate & Professional Student Services & Programs:

  • Click here for an ongoing listing compiled by the AGAPSS KC 

Additional KC Initiatives:

History of the AGAPSS KC:

  • In 2023, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the AGAPSS KC organization, a short brochure on the founding and history of the Knowledge Community was developed.  Click here to access the brochure.
  • "Supporting Graduate Student Success: Celebrating 25 Years of NASPA's Admins in Graduate and Professional Student Services Knowledge Community". Click here to access the full article in the NASPA 2023 Leadership Exchange.

AGAPSS KC Special Interest Fund

Make a donation to the AGAPSS KC Fund via the NASPA Foundation to help the KC maintain resources that support its mission. Navigate to the NASPA giving page via this Donation Form, and select the AGAPSS KC under the "Gift Designation" option. The KC regularly sends donors a special token of appreciation to the mailing address submitted when making a gift. Thank you for your consideration and support!