AVP Initiatives and Steering Committee
Supporting the Profession AVP or "Number Two" Mid-Level Senior Level VP for Student Affairs
Assistant and Associate Vice Presidents (AVPs) in Student Affairs, often referred to as "number two" positions, play a pivotal role in higher education institutions. They support the Vice President for Student Affairs by overseeing the division’s operations, managing functional areas such as dean of students, student services, health and wellness, and diversity initiatives, and leading strategic planning to enhance student success and campus climate. AVPs also supervise staff, manage budgets, and collaborate across departments to address emerging student needs and institutional priorities.
Recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities faced by AVPs, NASPA’s AVP Steering Committee provides a dedicated space for these professionals to connect, share resources, and advance their leadership skills. The committee fosters professional development, offers mentorship opportunities, and advocates for the critical role AVPs play in driving student affairs excellence. By addressing the diverse needs of AVPs—whether they are new to the role, aspiring to the position, or seeking to advance to their next leadership opportunity—the committee empowers these professionals to navigate their multifaceted responsibilities and make a meaningful impact on their institutions. Through professional development, knowledge dissemination, networking opportunities, and recognition of their unique contributions, the AVP Steering Committee strives to encourage excellence in the "number two" position and support AVPs throughout their careers.
Message from the AVP Steering Committee Chair
I am honored to serve in the seat as the chair of the AVP Steering Committee. The efforts of the AVP Steering Committee were vital to my transition as an AVP or ”number two” and continue to fuel me today, and I have faith many of you can share in this sentiment. The AVP Steering Committee strives to encourage excellence to those serving in our roles by providing valuable initiatives that support the work from the AVP/#2 seat. The members of the AVP Steering committee are committed to providing offerings that are aimed at developing and supporting AVPs and the equivalent. Additionally, we are always open to learning more about what the AVP/#2 community needs and hope to hear more from you as you engage in our initiatives. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @NASPAavp.
- Taléa R. Drummer-Ferrell, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, PennState University and Chair, NASPA AVP Steering Committee
Signature Initiatives
AVP Cohort Connections
The NASPA AVP Steering Committee is excited to offer an opportunity to bring together members of the AVP community to help foster and strengthen our peer network.
The Cohorts:
- Bring together and foster supportive connections between AVPs within the NASPA community.
- Create sustainable and ongoing virtual communities that meet at least twice a semester to discuss current trends and topics that are directly impacting the ways in which AVPs do their work and serve students.
There has been a regular call for AVPs to be able to network and find supportive spaces where they can learn from peers and find ways to help navigate the increasingly volatile issues that crop up on college campuses. Our hope is that Cohort Connections will meet this need by offering small group virtual communities that will discuss current trends and issues and topics impacting the work. When possible, cohorts will be arranged geographically, by institution size, and/or by other identities. Each cohort will consist of a Cohort Facilitator who will be responsible for organizing the cohort and helping to ensure its success.
Facilitated topics could include:
- Free speech/open expression/media
- Assessment (e.g., culture of, doing it well, making the time)
- Student conduct/crisis management
- Navigating mental health through the lens of university policies and protocols
- Defining your role/balancing
- Supervising up, down, and across
- Working with HR
- Working and operating with labor relations/collective bargaining
- Collaborating with academic affairs
- Navigating politics
- New laws and policies
- Mental health of students/staff
...And much more.
JOIN A COHORT: A new cohort will be launched in February 2025 after the AVP Symposium. Those who are interested in joining a cohort and/or becoming a Cohort Facilitator will be able to sign up at that time.
AVP and VP Dialogue Series
The AVP and VP Dialogue Series provides additional opportunities to AVPs (and the equivalent) and VPs for professional discourse on topics that impact our institutions, our students, and the profession. Each topic-specific dialogue is facilitated by one or more of your AVP peers who kicks off the discussion and provides enough structure for attendees to get the most out of the opportunity to engage virtually in a community of similarly professionally situated colleagues.
Join us for the upcoming dialogues during the 2025 NASPA National Conference:
AVP Dialogues: What Makes Your Employees Tick?
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 10:00am - 10:50am
Hilton Riverside Grand Ballroom C
AVP Dialogues: Take a Break and Celebrate - Investing in a Culture of Appreciation
Tuesday, March 18th, 2025, 3:15pm - 4:05pm
Hilton Riverside Grand Ballroom C
NASPA Annual Conference Initiatives
Each year during the NASPA Annual Conference, the AVP Steering Committee coordinates several inititives designed to enrich the conference experience for AVPs (and the equivalent) and student affairs professionals who aspire to the AVP role. They include
- Pre-conference workshop for sitting AVPs
- Pre-conference workshop for aspiring AVPs
- Series of topic-specific "AVP Dialogues"
- NASPA AVP initiatives update and caucus
- AVP mixer and reunions for past attendees of the NASPA AVP Institute, NASPA Institute for New AVPs, and NASPA AVP Symposium
Expect more specific information about these AVP-oriented offerings as the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference approaches.
New AVP Toolkit
Coming Soon: New AVP Toolkit
NASPA Institute for New AVPs
The AVP Steering Committee has been instrumental in the conceptualization and ongoing evolution of the NASPA Institute for New AVPs. The Institute is a foundational two-day learning and networking experience designed to support and develop AVPs in their unique and challenging roles on campus. The Institute is appropriate for AVPs and other senior-level "number twos" who report to the highest-ranking student affairs officer and who have been serving in their first AVP/"number two" position for not longer than two years. Please consider joining us in January 2025 in Columbus, Ohio.
NASPA AVP Symposium
The NASPA AVP Symposium is a unique and innovative three-day program designed to support and develop AVPs and other "number twos" in their unique campus leadership roles. Leveraging the vast expertise and knowledge of sitting AVPs, the Symposium will provide high-level content through a variety of participant engagement-oriented session types.
This professional development offering is limited to AVPs and other "number twos" who report to the highest-ranking student affairs officer on campus and have substantial responsibility for divisional functions. Additionally, vice presidents for student affairs (and the equivalent) who are presenting during the symposium may also register at a discounted rate and attend.
We look forward to seeing you in Columbus, Ohio on January 25-27, 2025. For more information and to register for the Symposium, please visit the registration webpage.
AVP Latest and Greatest
Complete Your Profile
Login and update your profile.
One of the best resources available to you is the wide range of professional development opportunities. This list contains both our “Hosted Events,” workshops and webinars that we plan and manage, and some “Related Events,” hosted by the NASPA Central Office or other NASPA Constituent Groups. To see a full listing of NASPA events, please see the Events page.
Get Involved
Interested in Getting Involved with the AVP Steering Committee?
We are accepting applications for 2025-2027 terms on the AVP Steering Committee. The committee provides leadership in programs, events, and initiatives that encourages excellence in the AVP/Number Two seat. Serving on the steering committee creates an opportunity for engagement and leadership in NASPA. If you are interested in being considered to be a part of the AVP Steering Committee, please submit your 2025 AVPSC Application by January 6, 2025.
If you would like more information about NASPA's AVP Steering Committee including how to get involved with its initiatives, please contact Taléa Drummer-Ferrell, AVP Steering Committee Chair at trd5380@psu.edu or Ke'Ana Bradley, Assistant Vice President of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, NASPA kbradley@naspa.org
Steering Committee Membership
The AVP Steering Committee is comprised of accomplished AVPs from a variety of institutional types. They are eager to hear from you regarding the Steering Committee and its initiatives.
2024 AVP Needs Assessment Report

In Fall 2023, the NASPA AVP Steering Committee initiated an approved survey through NAPSA for all AVP/#2
members to assess their professional needs to aid in various efforts to improve and address the growth and
development of its members.
To view the survey report, click the button below.