Community Colleges Division
Supporting the Profession Community Colleges Division
The NASPA Community Colleges Division (CCD) is a vibrant and engaging home for community college professionals. The CCD examines issues relevant to community college institutions and professionals and hosts a variety of professional development opportunities. The Division provides thought leadership to NASPA through advocacy for community colleges.
We at NASPA want to make sure that you are getting the information you need from the NASPA Community College Division. Add the Community College Division to your NASPA Profile! This ensures you receive emails, updates, and publications from the division.
Director's Welcome
Check back soon for a letter from our Community College Division Director, Greg Toya! Greg is the Dean of Student Affairs at Santa Ana College and we are thrilled to have him leading the CCD!
Throughout NASPA's 100-year existence, the Association has worked to incorporate all branches of higher education. A NASPA Community and Two-Year Colleges Network was established in 1989. The Network evolved into the Knowledge Community for Community and Two-Year Colleges in 2001. To explore the future of the Community and Two-Year Colleges constituency within NASPA, Dr. Gwen Dungy, then the organization's executive director, gathered representatives from that Knowledge Community as well as others in Austin, Texas, in January 2006. Dr. Maggie de la Teja, former National Chair of the Community and Two-Year Colleges Network and former At-Large Representative of the Knowledge Community was chosen to be the National Chair of the newly formed Community and Two-Year Colleges Advisory Board at that milestone organizational meeting.
The NASPA Board of Directors authorized the creation of the new Community and Two-Year Colleges Division in March 2007 during the national conference, and Dr. de la Teja was approved as its first chair thereafter. The NASPA Board of Directors approved a further name change to the Community Colleges Division after March 2008. Since then, NASPA and the CCD have partnered in promoting the collaboration of professional staff with higher education experts in a variety of fields to learn how to support students, faculty, and staff as well as in keeping the field of student affairs innovative and inclusive of the needs of all types of community.
The Community Colleges Division seeks to provide a space for community college professionals to connect while providing scholarship, advocacy, and engagement. We provide a venue for discussion, research, and the distribution of information about community colleges. The goals of the Community Colleges Division are to:
- Explore the impact of national issues in a community college context
- Identify and support the role of community colleges in providing student services and programming with diminishing resources
- Engage in and inform the profession about new research and practices regarding community college students and professionals
- Empower colleagues as they explore pathways and possibilities offered by community colleges
The Division welcomes the participation of any individual who either works at or has an interest in community colleges, and it offers a platform for discussion, learning, and innovation. We aspire to make the Community Colleges Division a place for graduate students, faculty, and student affairs professionals to connect and share knowledge and experience.
We at NASPA want to make sure that you are getting the information you need from the NASPA Community Colleges Division. Find out how to get connected!
Signature Initiatives
Community Colleges Institute
The Community Colleges Institute is a pre-conference workshop at the NASPA Annual Conference that allows staff and faculty to learn from and engage with one another on a variety of critical issues affecting student affairs professionals in the community college setting. The CCI provides community college professionals an opportunity to gather for 1.5 days for deep discussion on issues they can relate to.
2025 Community Colleges Institute Planning Committee Interest Form
We are excited to announce that the 2025 Community Colleges Institute (CCI) Planning Committee Interest Form is now open. The CCD seeks creative-thinking individuals to join the 2025 CCI Planning Committee. The Committee is responsible for developing a high-quality professional development experience for all CCI attendees in New Orleans, Louisiana. Specifically, team members identify relevant themes and learning outcomes, identify individuals who can serve as content experts, plan networking opportunities, and review program proposals.
If you are interested in joining us, please complete the application by May 20, 2024. We hope to have the first committee meeting in June. We look forward to planning the 2025 Community Colleges Institute with you!
Latinx/a/o Task Force
The Latinx/a/o Task Force seeks to advance current and aspiring student affairs professionals of Latino descent who work or wish to work in community colleges. The mission of the NASPA Community Colleges Division Latinx/a/o Task Force is to execute its plan, with an association-wide impact, to advance Latinos in the profession of student affairs who aspire to or currently work in community colleges If you are interested in potential opportunities to participate on the LTF, visit their web page for contact information and volunteer opportunities. For more information about joining the Latinx/a/o Task Force, contact Claudia Mercado at claudia@partnershipfcc.org.
Virtual Professional Development
Throughout the year the CCD creates high-content, scholarly webinars highlighting the work and support of community college students, faculty, and staff. These webinars allow you and your teams to engage in high-quality, convenient professional development focused specifically on community college hot topics. On-demand access will be available for 365 days. See the CCD Webinars section below for more information about past and upcoming Community College Division Webinars.
Virtual Engagement (Free)
The Community Colleges Division offers free virtual engagement opportunities quarterly each year. These free online learning opportunities are designed to provide timely content and connection for student affairs practitioners at community colleges in an accessible, engaging format.
- April - Community Colleges Division Open Business Meeting / Community College Month
Free: Improving Praxis at Community Colleges Through Research
Live Web Event on 04/30/2024 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
Much of the research on higher education is situated within four-year university settings. The research on community college is often conducted by faculty, who work at four-year institutions but have an interest in community colleges. While this research is beneficial for improving praxis at community colleges, practitioners who work in community college settings can provide unique perspectives on the type of research that is needed and have the opportunity to implement evidence-based recommendations at their institutions. Recognizing the need for more practitioner-driven research in the community college setting, this webinar highlights insights from three community college leaders and recent recipients of an education doctorate (Ed.D.). Our speakers will share how conducting research through their doctoral program informed their praxis, focusing in particular on the impact their dissertation research had on their institutions.
Presenters: Gudrun Nyunt, Assistant Professor/Program Coordinator, Northern Illinois University Eric Agee, Athletic Director/Health and Physical Education Instructor, Lawson State Community College Jacob Cushing, Director of Student Recruitment and Onboarding, College of Lake County Kimberly Hollingsworth, President, Olive-Harvey College
- October - Careers in Student Affairs Month
- Summer - Topic of Interest
- Winter - Topic of Interest
Community College Month
April is Community College Month and is officially recognized by NASPA. In partnership with the NASPA Community Colleges Division, this month presents a great opportunity to get the word out about why community colleges matter, how your college is serving your community's needs today, and why public support for our colleges is more important than ever. Click here to participate in NASPA's Community College Month programming!
Complete Your Profile
Login and update your profile.
CCD Webinar Series
Throughout the year the CCD creates high-content, scholarly webinars highlighting the work and support of community college students, faculty, and staff. These webinars allow you and your teams to engage in high-quality, convenient professional development focused specifically on community college hot topics. On-demand access will be available for 365 days. See the CCD Webinars section below for more information about past and upcoming Community College Division Webinars.
Fall 2023 Webinar Series
Revisiting “Charting the Future of Student Affairs”: A Panel Discussion
Revisiting “Charting the Future of Student Affairs”: A Panel Discussion
Includes a Live Web Event Recorded on 09/26/2023
In March 2022, the Compass Report entitled Charting the Future of Student Affairs was released with five strategic imperatives for student affairs leaders to consider. This panel discusses the imperatives and how they have impacted their practice as leaders at their institution. Panel incudes: Mayra Olivares-Ureta, PhD; Will Bowlin, PhD; Gillian McKight-Tutein EdD; Edward F. Martinez, EdD.
Student Affairs’ Role in Guided Pathways: Reimagining Student Onboarding with the Ask Connect Inspire Plan (ACIP) Framework
IIncludes a Live Web Event Recorded on 10/27/2023
Are you seeking innovative ways to transform your student onboarding process and create an exceptional experience for your incoming students? Join us for an engaging and insightful workshop on harnessing the power of the ACIP Framework to reimagine student onboarding and set the stage for success for community college students. Featuring: Hana Lahr, PhD; Shelitha Williams, EdD.
How to Use Current Data Systems and Predictive Analytics to Improve Student Success
How to Use Current Data Systems and Predictive Analytics to Improve Student Success
Includes a Live Web Event Recorded on 11/29/2023 at 2:00 PM (EST)
More data is not always the answer to improving student success. We will be exploring how existing data can be utilized to improve success, many times without the student asking for help. Featuring: President Mordecai Brownlee, EdD; William J. Dixon, EdD.
Preparing for Tough Conversations and How to Get the Best Out of Your Team
Preparing for Tough Conversations and How to Get the Best Out of Your Team
Includes a Live Web Event recorded on 12/06/2023
President Emeritus Timothy A. Alvarez, Ph.D., will offer strategies for having crucial conversations with staff. With over 34 years of experience in Student Affairs and Presidential leadership roles in community colleges, Dr. Alvarez will share insight on having crucial and sometimes challenging conversations in the workplace while demonstrating compassion and grace.
Community College Month Webinar Series
ChatGPT is Coming for Us All! (Or not.): The Ethics and Effective use of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Live Web Event on 04/11/2024 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
With the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) writing programs, such as ChatGPT, educators, students, and administrators face both opportunities and challenges. While these tools offer enhanced writing capabilities and learning experiences, they also pose potential risks when misused. The presenter will offer a comprehensive look into the capabilities of AI tools, their projected trajectory in education, and recommendations for pedagogy and policies for their effective use.
Presented by Christian Moriarty, Professor of Ethics and Law; Executive Board Member and Treasurer, St. Petersburg College; International Center for Academic Integrity
Click Here to Register
Advocating for Undocumented Students’ Career Success
Live Web Event on 04/18/2024 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
Much of the research on higher education is situated within four-year university settings. The research on community college is often conducted by faculty, who work at four-year institutions but have an interest in community colleges. While this research is beneficial for improving praxis at community colleges, practitioners who work in community college settings can provide unique perspectives on the type of research that is needed and have the opportunity to implement evidence-based recommendations at their own institutions.
Recognizing the need for more practitioner-driven research in the community college setting, this webinar highlights insights from three community college leaders and recent recipients of a an education doctorate (Ed.D.). Our speakers will share how conducting research through their doctoral program informed their praxis, focusing in particular on the impact their own dissertation research had on their institutions.
Presented by Dr. Kimberly M. Lowry, Director of Leadership and Impact, Aspen Institute and Dr. Monique Perry-Graves, Executive Director of Teach for America North Carolina, Teach for America.
Click Here to Register
Free: Improving Praxis at Community Colleges Through Research
Live Web Event on 04/30/2024 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
Much of the research on higher education is situated within four-year university settings. The research on community college is often conducted by faculty, who work at four-year institutions but have an interest in community colleges. While this research is beneficial for improving praxis at community colleges, practitioners who work in community college settings can provide unique perspectives on the type of research that is needed and have the opportunity to implement evidence-based recommendations at their own institutions.
Recognizing the need for more practitioner-driven research in the community college setting, this webinar highlights insights from three community college leaders and recent recipients of a an education doctorate (Ed.D.). Our speakers will share how conducting research through their doctoral program informed their praxis, focusing in particular on the impact their own dissertation research had on their institutions.
- Gudrun Nyunt, Assistant Professor/Program Coordinator, Northern Illinois University
- Eric Agee, Athletic Director/Health and Physical Education Instructor, Lawson State Community College
- Jacob Cushing, Director of Student Recruitment and Onboarding, College of Lake County
- Kimberly Hollingsworth, President, Olive-Harvey College
Click Here to Register
Community Colleges Division Awards
2025 Community Colleges Division National Awards
NASPA continues its tradition of honoring prominent higher education and student affairs leaders for their contributions to the profession specifically regarding community colleges. Last Day for submissions is Wednesday, October 9th at 11:59pm PST.
NASPA Research and Scholarship Community College Award
This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in relation to community college research or scholarship.
Submit your nominations today!
2024 Community Colleges Division National Awards
NASPA continues its tradition of honoring prominent higher education and student affairs leaders for their contributions to the profession specifically regarding community colleges.
NASPA Community College Professional Award
This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated leadership and a commitment to NASPA and/or the profession in relation to community colleges.
Dr. Edna Jones Miller
Dr. Edna Jones Miller is a passionate higher education professional who has earned several awards recognizing her work for over 17 years. With a bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate, she is a three-time graduate of the University of South Florida (USF). Professionally, Edna has served in several positions at Hillsborough Community College, USF, and Valencia College in staff, teaching, and administrative roles. Her transition from Tampa to Orlando was marked by her role as the inaugural Dean of Students for the Valencia College Downtown Campus – a shared campus with the University of Central Florida (UCF). As the lead Valencia Student Affairs administrator, she helped to lead the development and implementation of an innovative partnership with UCF to offer a unique student experience that is said to be the first of its kind in the nation.
Given her track record with leading innovation, Edna has been tapped for another inaugural venture as the Dean of Enrollment Management and Partnerships at Valencia College. She supports the College’s bold and ambitious strategic goals to ensure access and reduce barriers to higher education. She leads the College’s outreach and recruitment efforts, enrollment management, and transfer initiatives.
NASPA Research and Scholarship Community College Award
This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in relation to community college research or scholarship.
Dr. Erin Doran
Dr. Erin Doran is an Associate Professor of Higher Education at Iowa State University where she teaches master’s and doctoral courses on community college leadership, equity in higher education, the history of higher education, and qualitative research methods. Her research agenda encompasses three areas: Latina/e/o/x student success; community colleges; faculty professional development; and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). Dr. Doran’s work has been published in various academic journals including The Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Community College Review, and Race Ethnicity and Education.
Community Colleges Division Milestones
- A NASPA Community and Two-Year College Network was established in 1989
- In 2001, the NASPA Community and Two-Year College Network evolved into a Knowledge Community
- In 2006, the Knowledge Community evolved into a Community and Two-Year Colleges Advisory Board
- The NASPA Board of Directors authorized the name change to Community and Two-Year Colleges Division in March 2007
- The CCD hosted a Community College Institute (annual conference pre-conference) for the first time, 2007
- The NASPA Board of Directors approved a further name change to Community Colleges Division after March 2008
- NCC On-Line was initiated which provided free call-in opportunities for community college professionals. Offered quarterly, these sixty-minute sessions include a presentation on a specific topic, materials, and time for questions and answers, 2011
- Establishment of Regional Award and National Community College Professional Award, 2011
- NASPA Board of Directors approved a new Community College Institutional Fee structure to better encourage institutional memberships, 2012
- NASPA sponsored for the first time a 3 day CCD board retreat in NYC, 2014
- The CCD was instrumental in securing access to the CCJRP as part of the overall NASPA membership, 2016
- The CCD created a Latinx/a/o Task Force (in 2014 at NYC CCD Summit) to address the needs of Latinx students and professionals working at Community Colleges. As a result, a new partnership between the CCD and the Latinx/a/o Knowledge Community was born, 2015
- Developed a CCD regional representative tool kit, 2017
- Launched a new national CCD Research Award, 2017
- The CCD established an intentional and direct social media/marketing presence, 2018
- A CCD special interest NASPA Foundation fund was created, 2019
- A CCD board leadership and on-boarding manual was developed, 2020
- The 2020 annual conference was canceled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The 2021 annual conference went virtual for the first time due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Community Colleges Division Directors
2022-2024, Richard Monroe
2020-2022, Edward Martinez
2017-2020, Kimberly Lowry
2016-2017, Quincy Martin III
2014-2016, Paulette Dalpes
2012-2014, Kathryn Mueller
2010-2012, John Laws
2008-2010, Debbie Kushibab
2007-2008, Magdalena de la Teja (chair)
The Community Colleges Division Board is comprised of a diverse set of community college professionals with a breadth of experience in the field. Through its Board, the Community Colleges Division supports the goals of NASPA by infusing the community college perspective into all NASPA programs, services, and publications.