Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services
Student Success Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services
The mission of the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services KC is to support the retention and graduation of off-campus and commuter students within higher education institutions. To this end, the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services Knowledge Community is dedicated to the support of commuting students and those who reside in off-campus housing. An individual's identity as an off-campus or commuter student is one of many intersecting influences as they navigate their college experience. As the functional area of off-campus and commuter programs continues to grow within higher education, our KC aims to establish and maintain a sense of community and resource-sharing among professionals within this area of expertise.
Message from the Co-Chairs
Welcome to the Off-Campus & Commuter Student Services (OCCSS) Knowledge Community! We exist to build community amongst professionals at all levels sharing key resources related to retention and graduation of off-campus and commuter students within higher education institutions
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Join the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Service Knowledge Community
The Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services Knowledge Community provides numerous ways for NASPA members to stay in touch with one another! One of the best and easiest ways is by joining our Knowledge Community:
- Login to naspa.org by clicking the blue "Login" button in the center of the page.
- Scroll until you see the grey sidebar on the right hand side of the screen and the link to "View My Personal Snapshot."
- Confirm that your membership is still active (there will be a link to join or renew if it is not).
- Click on "Edit My Profile" and scroll down the page until you get to "NASPA Engagement Details."
- You will see the KCs that you are currently a member of; if your membership to the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services Knowledge Community is not listed, please add it.
- Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
The mission of this KC is to support the retention and graduation of off-campus and commuter students within higher education institutions. To this end, the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services Knowledge Community is dedicated to the support of commuting students and those who reside in off-campus housing. An individual's identity as an off-campus or commuter student is one of many intersecting influences as they navigate their college experience. As the functional area of off-campus and commuter programs continues to grow within higher education, our KC aims to establish and maintain a sense of community and resource-sharing among professionals within this area of expertise.
With the establishment of the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services (OCCSS) KC, we plan to create a space for professionals to convene and share key resources related to issues affecting off-campus and commuting students. Some of these topics will include:
- Commuter student involvement and engagement
- Academic support and retention of off-campus and commuter students
- Support of dependent and independent commuter students
- Wellness and life skills education related to apartment or off-campus living and safety
- Apartment search education and support
- Tenant’s rights education, and guidance
- Student tenant civic responsibility and responsible hosting
- Advocacy and education related to housing insecurity
- Community and university relations
In addition to the sharing of resources and best practices, our KC aims to collaborate with other knowledge communities. This can include partnering with KCs that support other intersecting identities often associated with off-campus and commuter students including but not limited to: first-generation college students, underrepresented student populations, adult learners, students with children, graduate and professional students, and more.
The aim of this KC is to be at the forefront of off-campus and commuter programs and services. This includes the production of knowledge related to off-campus and commuter students and the promotion of evidence-based practices in the service of this population.