2017 NASPA International Symposium
Community Events at the NASPA Annual Conference Supporting the Profession Global Division
March 11 - March 12, 2017 San Antonio, TX
As the field of student affairs continues to develop globally, focused opportunities for an intentional, international exchange of ideas are becoming more critical. The NASPA International Symposium facilitates the advancement of a global discussion and worldwide understanding of student affairs as a field, and, in many countries, a profession. The International Symposium expands on the conference theme by including global perspectives. A key Symposium goal is to invite and explore new perspectives, and to create new connections in order to bridge global boundaries. As a result of attending the International Symposium, we hope that participants will be able to: Express increased awareness and knowledge of regional trends and international perspectives on student affairs and services; Network with new contacts and colleagues from multiple regions of the world; Demonstrate knowledge and skills that can be used to promote internationally-oriented practice, professional dialogue, and research