Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
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Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'
March 26, 2025

Call for Programs Launches

March 26, 2025

Registration Opens

May 29, 2025

Call for Programs and Reviewers Due Date

October 10, 2025

Early Registration Closes

November 10, 2025

Regular Registration Closes

November 18, 2025

Hotel Group Rate Cut-off

Civic Learning and Social Change Conference

In-Person Conferences Student Success Civic Engagement Career and Workforce Development Policy and Advocacy Supporting the Profession Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement

NASPA is thrilled to announce the launch of this new conference. Two conference tracks, Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement and Leadership, Belonging, and Social Change, will showcase the expertise of student affairs professionals as catalysts for enhancing civic learning and social change through community, curiosity, advocacy, pedagogy, and strategic thinking. 


Presented By

Call for Programs

The Civic Learning and Social Change Conference has two tracks, Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement and Leadership, Belonging, and Social Change. Program proposals must be submitted to one of the conference tracks. Conference attendees will be able to attend presentations for both conference tracks. 

We encourage teams - faculty, staff, and students at colleges and universities and especially multiple campus teams - to submit proposals. Individual submissions from students, staff, and faculty are also encouraged. Please note that proposals that include outside partners will be referred to our sponsorship prospectus. Presenters are responsible for all costs associated with attending the conference including registration.

Session Types

  1. Pre-conference Session (180 minutes): These workshops are intended to be an immersive learning experience to give participants actionable ideas and tools to take back to their campus.

  2. General Interest Session (60 minutes): A presentation which might include research, campus and/or community programs, partnerships, and background information. This session is intended for individuals or concise group presentations on trending topics.

  3. Extended Learning Session (120 minutes): A workshop designed to provide participants with the opportunity to critically engage with colleagues and presenters on a particular topic. These sessions should go beyond information sharing and offer the opportunity for attendees to hone a specific skillset or develop a project plan.

  4. Poster Session: Accepted posters will be displayed, and coordinating presenters will be assigned to one or two times to be available to share the featured content.

The Call for Programs will open on March 26, 2025. Proposals will be due Thursday, May 29, 2025.


Conference Tracks
Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Track
Leadership, Belonging, and Social Change Track

CLDE is the only conference that brings together higher education professionals from both student affairs and academic affairs, along with students, to advance civic learning and democratic engagement efforts in higher education, ensuring that students who graduate from colleges and universities, both public and private, are prepared to be the informed, engaged citizens our communities and democracy need.

Conference Track Focus Areas

  •  Ensuring continuity of civic engagement work outside of election years
  •  Incorporating experiential learning opportunities
  •  Ensuring sustainable campus-wide civic education and engagement
  •  Assessing and implementing curricular and pedagogical strategies
  •  Assessing and implementing co-curricular and student-led programmatic strategies
  •  Expanding civic engagement beyond the institution

The Leadership, Belonging, and Social Change Conference Track emphasizes the expertise of student affairs professionals as catalysts for enhancing social change through curiosity, innovation, and strategic thinking.

Establishing and Strengthening Pathways for Success and Belonging 

  • Thinking outside the box to respond to changing social conditions impacting student enrollment, persistence, and belonging
  • Applying data frameworks and assessment mechanisms to understand the impact of changes in practice
  • Preparing all students with the skills and capacities to improve quality of life in their communities 

Building Systems for Sustainable, Healing-Centered Leadership

  • Recognizing and supporting the needs of staff who are navigating uncertainty, fatigue, career discernment, and institutional change
  • Cultivating sustainable, adaptive leadership that supports shifting student needs and institutional contexts
  • Implementing practices that build empathy, trust, collaboration, and growth to enable healthy excellence for practitioners

Advancing Student Affairs through Innovative Research and Practice 

  • Fostering, applying, and propagating research that spans boundaries, builds curiosity, and advances innovation in practice
  • Building and opening pathways into research for those who contribute new perspectives and methods
  • Cultivating effective student affairs and academic affairs collaboration to support student success and institutional missions

Location and Lodging

All conference activities will take place at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach.

Hyatt Regency Long Beach

Address: 200 South Pine Avenue, Long Beach CA 90802

Phone: 562-491-1234

Schedule at a Glance

December 7, 2025
December 8, 2025
December 9, 2025
December 10, 2025
Afternoon Optional Group Off-site Outing Conference participants can register at a cost to visit select locations TBD in the Long Beach region. 
8:30 AM Conference Check-in Opens  
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pre-Conference Workshops (registration required)  
1:30 PM Conference Opening Session  
3:30 -5:30 PM Conference Sessions  
8:00 AM Breakfast (included with registration)  
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Conference Sessions  
12:00 - 1:15 PM Lunch on your own  
1:30 - 5:30 PM Conference Sessions  
8:00 AM Breakfast (included with registration)  
9:00 - 11:00 AM Conference Sessions  
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Conference Closing Session