Disinformation and the 2020 Election: What can Student Affairs Professionals Do
Virtual Live Briefings
October 28, 2020 4:00PM-5:00PM EST
Presented By

You know the feeling: You see your students share something on Facebook or Twitter, but you doubt the information is true. And if that information is about a critical issue like COVID-19, an election, or a political candidate, you may feel compelled to respond. But what is the best way to do so? While some people create and spread disinformation—false information shared with the intent to deceive others—your students or coworkers may well spread misinformation, which is shared by people who may not know the information is false. They probably think the content is true, and they may feel they’re sharing something important. That can make it tough to know how to respond, but this webinar with PEN America will provide student affairs professionals with some tools about how to respond effectively to misinformation.
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