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Execution Time: 2.59 ms
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'
December 15, 2021

Call for Programs Deadline

December 17, 2021

2022 NASPA International Symposium

Community Events at the NASPA Annual Conference Supporting the Profession Community Global Division International Education

The 26th NASPA International Symposium

As the field of student affairs continues to develop globally, focused opportunities for an intentional, international exchange of ideas are becoming more critical. The NASPA International Symposium facilitates the advancement of a global discussion and worldwide understanding of student affairs as a field, and, in many countries, a profession.



Presented By

International Education

Early Bird Registration Ends

December 17, 2021


The International Symposium expands on the conference theme by including global perspectives. A key Symposium goal is to invite and explore new perspectives, and to create new connections in order to bridge global boundaries. As a result of attending the International Symposium, we hope that participants will be able to: Express increased awareness and knowledge of regional trends and international perspectives on student affairs and services; Network with new contacts and colleagues from multiple regions of the world; and Demonstrate knowledge and skills that can be used to promote internationally-oriented practice, professional dialogue, and research.

Registration to the annual conference is not required to attend the Symposium. To attend the Symposium, you will be able to register for the pre-conference event via this link through the annual conference website. Once there, you will see the option to register for the International Symposium as a standalone or alongside an annual conference registration.

Call for Programs - Now Open

 Program Submission Deadline EXTENDED: December 15, 2021
Notification of Program Submission Acceptance: By December 15, 2021

Join us in-person for the 26th NASPA International Symposium and 2021 NASPA Annual Conference. The International Symposium is a (2) day pre-conference event (19-20 March 2022) that will explore global issues in student affairs and services and higher education. The event format will include keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities.


Submission Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated by several program reviewers using the following five (5) standards:

  1. Significant and creative contributions to the student affairs profession.
  2. Engaging program format that involves the audience and stimulates discussion.
  3. Conceptually strong foundation, well-written, with clearly stated outcomes and appropriately documented research and/or experience.
  4. Qualified presenters with expertise in the subject matter.
  5. Thematically relevant program content incorporating the conference focus area(s) into the program.


Notification: Presenters whose proposals are accepted must register for the symposium. Acceptance will be confirmed by the Symposium Committee no later than 15 December 2021.

Presenters will be expected to pay registration in order to present and attend the symposium. All presenters will be expected to provide an electronic copy of their presentation which will be posted on the symposium website for participants to view at the conclusion of the symposium.

Conference Themes and Suggested Topics

International Student Services

A range of topics in this track may include international student orientation, transition, and retention programs; cultural adjustment related to students studying in another culture; ways to increase opportunities for engagement among both international and US-based students; programs that increase fluency and confidence in spoken and conversational languages. Sessions in this track could include best practices, informative information regarding successful programs that could be implemented on other campuses, challenges with international student transition and support, the use of technology and innovation, and other ways to showcase effective work with a specifically international student population.

Mobility Programs

A diverse range of topics are applicable and include study abroad, minority representation in study abroad, student exchange, internships, service-learning, faculty led programs, athletics, and other global opportunities. Sessions in this track might examine best practices, challenges/obstacles, emerging trends, specific programs, and others related to international student mobility within higher education.

Global Perspectives, Issues, Culture, and Justice

A range of topics might include intercultural engagement programming, orientation immersion program, social/cultural practices and establishing norms, policy development, course content, political climate, racial justice issues in a global context, or other practices. Sessions in this track could include best practices, challenges/obstacles, emerging practices/trends, specific programs, programming models, academic models, or other related matters from a global perspective.

Professional Growth and Networking

A range of topics might include programming, orientation, networking, professional training, certification programs, leveraging technology to improve practice, or other opportunities. Sessions in this track could include current practices, challenges/obstacles, emerging practices/trends, specific programs, and models or other related matters on professional development.

Schedule at a Glance (Coming Soon)

March 19
March 20

Speakers (Coming Soon)


The Global Division presents, "The Global Hour"


The Global Division presents the "Global Hour", an event inviting colleagues from around the globe to meet and attend an interactive presentation about the history and significance of the International Symposium and its impact on global changes and shifts in Higher Education and Student Affairs. Attendees will have the chance to explore professional development resources and engagement opportunities with NASPA's global members and receive information about the International Symposium.

Venue (Coming Soon)

2022 International Symposium Committee


Janelle Rahyns, Ph.D.

Associate Director for Global Initiatives

Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education - NASPA
