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NASPA M. Ben Hogan Small Colleges and Universities Institute

In-Person Conferences Health, Safety, and Well-being Career and Workforce Development Policy and Advocacy Supporting the Profession Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Health, Safety, and Well-being Initiatives Small Colleges and Universities Division AVP or "Number Two" Senior Level VP for Student Affairs

Hosted on a biennial basis by NASPA's Small Colleges and Universities Division, the NASPA M. Ben Hogan Small Colleges and Universities Institute is a four-day residential program during which vice presidents for student affairs and other senior-level administrators engage in discussion and reflection about critical issues in student affairs and the examination of effective and innovative programs.

Participation in this institute is limited to the highest-ranking student affairs officer on campus and other senior-level administrators who (1) report to the highest-ranking student affairs officer and (2) have substantial responsibility for divisional leadership. For example, a director of student conduct who oversees student conduct functions only would not be eligible. An associate dean of student affairs who oversees several departments/units/functional areas would be eligible to attend. The registration fee for this unique program includes housing and most meals. See the Registration section below for details.

Presented By

Small Colleges and Universities Division


The 2022 Institute will be the twelfth in its twenty-four-year history and will be held on Emerson College's urban campus in Boston. The Institute brings together vice presidents for student affairs and other senior-level leaders at small colleges and universities with enrollments of fewer than 5000 students for three days of learning and networking. An intentional component of this signature NASPA program is living and learning together on the host campus.

Topics featured during the 2022 Institute include:

  • Innovative strategies to address student mental health and wellness challenges
  • Leading with a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens
  • Presidential perspectives about challenges and opportunities for SCUs in today's turbulent contexts
  • The future of work in student affairs
  • What campus leaders need to understand about Title IX
  • Hot topics for small colleges and universities

We hope you'll choose to join us in June!

About M. Ben Hogan
In March 2016, the NASPA Small Colleges and Universities Division proposed that the NASPA Small Colleges and Universities Institute be renamed in honor of Michael “Ben” Hogan. The NASPA Board of Directors enthusiastically supported the proposal, and the Institute was renamed the NASPA M. Ben Hogan Small Colleges and Universities Institute. The 2018 institute, hosted by the University of Puget Sound, was the first that bore Ben's name.

Ben Hogan had a long and distinguished career in student affairs. Having spent time at Lycoming College in Pennsylvania and Springfield College in Massachusetts, among other places, Ben was a long-time student affairs administrator at small colleges. As the chairperson of the NASPA Small Colleges and Universities Network (predecessor to the current division), he worked tirelessly to advance the mission and purpose of the small college movement. He was instrumental in laying the groundwork for increased recognition, which resulted in small colleges and universities gaining a seat on the NASPA Board of Directors. Through this work, Ben championed the concept of a professional development experience specifically for small college professionals, and he served as the chairperson of the first NASPA Small Colleges and Universities Institute in 1998.


Emerson College

Emerson College

Boston, MA

All institute activities will take place at Emerson College in historic Boston, Massachusetts. An intentional component of this signature NASPA program is that participants live and learn together on the host campus. Attendees will be housed in an on-campus, apartment-style suite with a private bedroom and a shared bathroom. Given this unique aspect of the program, we are not able to accommodate family members or other traveling companions in the institute-provided housing.


Institute Schedule

The Institute "officially" kicks off with an opening reception and dinner on Saturday, June 25, 2022. Other sessions and activities on Saturday are optional, some of which carry an additional registration fee. The Institute schedule is subject to change.

About the Institute Model

This exclusive professional development program is an institute. Unlike conferences where participants choose to participate (or not) in concurrent sessions, during this institute, all attendees will participate in the same cohort experience and are expected to engage fully in all aspects of the program including meals. It is a very intensive experience, and the program will run into the evening each day.

June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Institute Check-in for Early Arrivals

Participants who have registered and paid for early arrival lodging may check-in for the Institute during this time.

7:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Breakfast Available for Participants with Early-arrival Lodging

Participants who have registered and paid for early arrival lodging (see pre-institute offerings below) may enjoy breakfast during this time.

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Institute Check-in

10:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Pre-Institute Outing: Boston Sightseeing Tour


Hop aboard the city’s most enthralling Boston sightseeing excursion, Old Town Trolley Tours of Boston and see over 100 points of interest! Enjoy the enclosed double-decker height views while protected from the elements. Board the traditional orange and green trolleys steps from Emerson’s campus and get ready for an opportunity to hop on and off 18 stops that will satisfy every taste and interest! This is a great way to see the city and relive Boston history! You may purchase lunch on your own at any of the stops.

Cost: Hop-on-hop-off trolley tour ticket ($45 currently - subject to change) purchased by you prior to the Institute. (If you would like to stay on campus on the evening of June 24 in order to participate in this outing, please be sure to include the early arrival lodging and breakfast option with your institute registration.)



10:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Pre-Institute Outing: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum


Join fellow institute participants for a private guided tour of one of Boston's cultural gems! A Venetian palace in the middle of Boston, Gardner's home is now a museum displaying her impressive, eclectic, and significant collection of European, American, and Asian art. Its collection includes paintings, sculpture, tapestries, and decorative arts. Visitors can stroll or rest in a spectacular skylit courtyard filled with plants and flowers. In 1990, thirteen of the museum's works were stolen; the crime remains unsolved and the works have not been recovered. You may purchase lunch on your own at the cafe on site or in the surrounding area. What's included:

  • Transportation to and from the museum

  • Museum admission

  • Guided tour (approximately one hour long)

Cost: $20 payable when registering for the institute and outing. (If you would like to stay on campus on the evening of June 24 in order to participate in this outing, please be sure to include the early arrival lodging and breakfast option with your institute registration.)



5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

First-time Attendee Gathering


Please join us to meet other first-time institute attendees. This is a casual opportunity to get to know other first-time attendees and meet the institute planning committee. An integral part of this institute is the connections that you will make that will last long after you leave the institute. We look forward to seeing you.


5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Opening Reception

Join fellow institute participants for this traditional kickoff event.

6:30 PM - 8:45 PM

Opening Dinner with Keynote Address


Immediately following the Institute Opening Reception, please join us for another SCUI tradition, the Institute Opening Dinner. Institute co-chairs Fran’Cee Brown-McClure and Domanic Thomas will offer a welcome, and NASPA President Kevin Kruger will deliver remarks during dinner. 


Post-Pandemic Higher Education – Where are the challenges and the opportunities?

As higher education emerges from the pandemic, it is clear that many of the short-term impacts experienced during the pandemic are here to stay. These new factors and longer-term trends that were in place before the pandemic are resulting in a series of unprecedented challenges for higher education. But within these challenges are significant opportunities as well. Dr Kruger will explore both potential barriers and new possibilities for the future of student affairs in this fast-paced interactive program.



8:45 PM - 10:00 PM

Networking Time (optional)

Continue the conversations that began at dinner.

7:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Breakfast Available

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Institute Welcome and Participant Introductions

10:05 AM - 12:05 PM

The Continued Changing Landscape of Title IX Policies and Practices: What You Need to Know


Kathryn Nash, Partner, Lathrop GPM


The Title IX landscape continues to change. Since the Dear Colleague Letter in 2011 and subsequent guidance from the Office for Civil Rights and the Department of Education, colleges and universities have taken steps to ensure compliance. The Trump administration issued new regulations and we are expecting more changes from the Biden Administration. This session will provide practical insight on how to comply with the various changes in the past few years and further review emerging practices in Title IX.  

In this session, we will discuss the current adaptation and strive for the following outcomes:

  • Attendees will be able to describe the finalized adaptation of Title IX protocols

  • Attendees will be able to compare and contrast the finalized adaptation of Title IX protocols with practices at their home institution

  • Attendees will be able to discuss emerging practices in the Title IX landscape


12:05 PM - 1:15 PM


1:15 PM - 2:00 PM


Join your colleagues for an after-lunch stroll through the nearby Boston Common or take care of yourself in whatever way works for you.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Community Session: Self-care and Relaxation

This session is focused on sharing how we have engaged in self-care and encouraged it among our staff. Facilitators will offer a guided meditation, stretching, and relaxation opportunity for all attendees.

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Refreshment Break

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

From the Top: Small College President Perspectives


Daniel G. Lugo, President, Queens University of Charlotte

Vincent Rougeau, College of the Holy Cross

Mary Beth Cooper, Springfield College

Richard Lapidus, Fitchburg State


The challenges facing higher education institutions and their leaders have never been greater than they are today. Intense public scrutiny and questions about the value of college, demands for racial equity and inclusion, rapidly changing student demographics and attendant needs, diminishing resources, and enrollment fluctuations – to name a few – are among the many challenges facing campus leaders at most institutions and in amplified ways at small colleges and universities. The global COVID-19 pandemic has certainly exacerbated these challenges and created new ones such as the seismic crisis in mental health and what some have dubbed the “pandemic shuffle” of staff leaving higher education in favor of positions with greater flexibility and opportunities for remote work.

During this session, NASPA President Kevin Kruger will facilitate a conversation with four small college presidents about these challenges and others and their strategies for moving their institutions forward during such perilous times. The discussion will also invite presidential perspectives about prolonged residual effects of COVID-19, college closures and mergers and how student affairs divisions impact and support their presidential priorities for their institutions.



5:00 PM - 6:30 PM


6:45 PM - 8:45 PM

Small Group Dinners at Local Restaurants (optional)

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Networking Time (optional)

7:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Breakfast Available

8:45 AM - 9:00 AM

Introduction to Day 3

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Why Leadership on Diversity and Inclusion Requires Emotional Intelligence


Anne Phibbs, Founder and President, Strategic Diversity Initiatives  


For many who care about advancing equity and social justice in all areas of their lives, the past few years have brought tremendous challenges. While U.S. society grows increasingly diverse and complex, our social and political discourse grows more polarized, less nuanced, and frighteningly hostile. From navigating the science - and politics - of the Covid pandemic to answering the resounding calls (once again) for racial justice, and from balancing free speech with equity in our online spaces to addressing the needs of our nonbinary community members, we are living through a profound social and cultural moment. Continuing to build inclusive and equitable institutions, in the face of so many challenges, will require not just allies and advocates, but leaders and risk-takers. And these leaders must come to the work prepared, not just intellectually but emotionally as well. In this practically focused presentation, we will explore how the framework of “emotional intelligence” has much to offer those of us doing the work of diversity, inclusion, and social justice.



10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

Refreshment Break

10:50 AM - 12:20 PM

Student Mental Health: A Call for a Community Approach


Sarah Lipson, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Law Policy and Management

Domanic Thomas, Vice Chancellor of Enrollment and Student Affairs, Washington State University-Vancouver 


COVID, economic uncertainty, and calls for racial justice have added to the mounting mental health concerns of our students.  While counseling centers play an integral role in addressing the resulting depression, anxiety, and loneliness, we cannot staff our way out of this problem.  Dr. Sarah Lipson, Associate Director of the Healthy Minds Network and Boston University Faculty will lead this session.  The session is intended to provide a mental health landscape, practices and procedural considerations, and how student affairs professionals can work “upstream” with campus partners to assist.  Come prepared to share your ideas, strategies, questions, and successes around these efforts.



12:20 PM - 1:30 PM


1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Community Session: Benefiting from the Collective Wisdom of the Group

This is an opportunity to gather and bring forward topics that could be addressed by experts in the room or others struggling with similar challenges.

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Refreshment Break

3:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Institute Outing to Faneuil Hall Marketplace Followed by Dinner

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Networking Time (optional)

7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Check-out Available

7:00 AM - 8:15 AM

Breakfast Available

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

What is the Future of Work in Student Affairs? Integrating our Humanity with our Work


Christopher Medley, Director of Housing and Residential Services, Fitchburg State University

Paul Brown, Director of Campus Experience, Roompact

Smita Ruzicka, Vice President, Middlebury College

Ellen Heffernan, President, Spelman and Johnson


The world of work is changing, and higher education is not immune. Factors like energy around racial justice, COVID impacts, demographic shifts, mental health focus for both employees and students, generational workplace dissonance, and the great resignation are promoting seismic shifts. This session offers a panel with insight from several lenses - a member of the NASPA Task Force for the Future of Student Affairs, a director of a functional area that is a nexus of all these factors, and a student-focused expert in a higher ed-adjacent role. Several themes will be explored by both the panelists and the participants.



10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Making Meaning in Community and Institute Closing


We have spent the past couple of days learning with and from each other about a myriad of topics. This institute is about action. Let's take some time to process what we have learned and discuss the ways that we will take back our learning to our various campuses.

Pre-institute Offerings

During the day on Saturday, June 25, you'll have the chance to participate in some optional pre-institute sessions and activities. All pre-institute offerings require registration, and some have an additional registration fee. Institute attendees who wish to participate in these optional activities may also register for early arrival lodging, which is available on Friday evening, June 24 for an additional $70.00. (Breakfast on Saturday, June 25 is included with your early arrival lodging fee.)

Pre-Institute Outing: Boston Sightseeing Tour

Saturday, June 25, 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Hop aboard the city’s most enthralling Boston sightseeing excursion, Old Town Trolley Tours of Boston and see over 100 points of interest! Enjoy the enclosed double-decker height views while protected from the elements. Board the traditional orange and green trolleys steps from Emerson’s campus and get ready for an opportunity to hop on and off 18 stops that will satisfy every taste and interest! This is a great way to see the city and relive Boston history! You may purchase lunch on your own at any of the stops.

Cost: Hop-on-hop-off trolley tour ticket ($45 currently - subject to change) purchased by you prior to the Institute. During the institute registration process, this offering will be presented as costing $0 because you will purchase your ticket directly from the tour company. NASPA will provide guidance about the purchasing process as the institute approaches. (If you would like to stay on campus on the evening of June 24 in order to participate in this outing, please be sure to include the early arrival lodging and breakfast option with your institute registration.)

Pre-Institute Outing: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Saturday, June 25, 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Join fellow institute participants for a private guided tour of one of Boston's cultural gems! A Venetian palace in the middle of Boston, Gardner's home is now a museum displaying her impressive, eclectic, and significant collection of European, American, and Asian art. Its collection includes paintings, sculpture, tapestries, and decorative arts. Visitors can stroll or rest in a spectacular skylit courtyard filled with plants and flowers. In 1990, thirteen of the museum's works were stolen; the crime remains unsolved and the works have not been recovered. You may purchase lunch on your own at the cafe on site or in the surrounding area. What's included:

  • Transportation to and from the museum

  • Museum admission

  • Guided tour (approximately one hour long)

Cost: $20 payable when registering for the institute and outing. (If you would like to stay on campus on the evening of June 24 in order to participate in this outing, please be sure to include the early arrival lodging and breakfast option with your institute registration.)

Early Arrival Lodging and Breakfast

Friday, June 24

Institute attendees who wish to participate in optional pre-institue activities may also register for early arrival lodging, which is available on Friday evening, June 24 for an additional $70.00. (Breakfast on Saturday, June 25 is included with your early arrival lodging fee.)




Participation in this institute is limited to the highest-ranking student affairs officer on campus and other senior-level administrators who (1) report to the highest-ranking student affairs offcer and (2) have substantial responsibility for divisional leadership. For example, a director of student conduct who oversees student conduct functions only would not be eligible. An associate dean of student affairs who oversees several departments/units/functional areas would be eligible to attend.

Your registration fee includes

  • all institute materials
  • housing in a private bedroom with a bathroom shared by not more than one other person on Saturday, June 25; Sunday, June 26; and Monday, June 27 (Some attendees may choose to arrive on Friday, June 24 to participate in the pre-institute activities on Saturday, June 25; housing is available by adding "Early Arrival Lodging and Breakfast" to your registration.)
  • breakfast on Sunday, June 26; Monday, June 27; and Tuesday, June 28
  • lunch on Sunday, June 26 and Monday, June 27
  • dinner on Saturday, June 25 and Monday, June 27

Registration as a member is based on individual membership status at the time of the event. If your current membership will expire prior to the event, you will have the option to renew at the time of registration to receive the member rate.

If you are not a current member and are employed by a college or university that is an institutional member, you can join as a professional affiliate member for $75. If your institution is NOT a member, you can join as an associate affiliate member for $242. Both membership types provide access to the individual member rate for the event. Please visit the membership section of the NASPA website to learn more about membership types and benefits. We hope you’ll consider joining today!

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may qualify for a NASPA Foundation Membership Scholarship or NASPA Foundation Professional Development Access Scholarship, which can be used for this event.

For a comprehensive listing of NASPA registration policies, please visit this page.


Register Here 


Early Registration
01/06/2022 to 05/06/2022
 Regular Registration
05/07/2022 to 06/03/2022
Late Registration
06/04/2022 to 06/15/2022
NASPA Member 
 $495  $595  $695
Non Member
 $695 $795 $895

COVID-19 Event Safety

COVID Protocols Summary

All participants at NASPA in-person conferences, whether a faculty member/presenter, attendee, sponsor/exhibitor, staff, guest, or vendor will be required to be fully vaccinated. Individuals who require a vaccination exemption must provide documentation of a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours prior to arrival to any event. All participants at NASPA events are encouraged to wear masks. Please see the NASPA COVID Event Safety and Responsibility webpage for complete information about NASPA's policy.

Boston Area COVID Information

  1. COVID-19 information from the City of Boston

  2. State of Massachusetts COVID-19 Updates and Information

  3. Find a COVID-19 Testing Site in Boston

  4. Emerson College COVID-19 information

Institute Planning Committee

2022 NASPA M. Ben Hogan Small Colleges and Universities Institute Planning Team:

  • Fran'Cee Brown-McClure, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Union College (Institute Co-chair)

  • Domanic Thomas, Vice Chancellor of Enrollment and Student Affairs, Washington State University-Vancouver (Institute Co-chair)

  • Christie Anglade, Director of Housing and Residence Education, Emerson College

  • Laura Bayless, Vice President for Student Affairs, Fitchburg State University

  • Kimberly Blea, Dean of Students, New Mexico Highlands University

  • Maria del Carmen Flores-Mills, Vice President of Student Engagement & Dean of Students, Queens University of Charlotte

  • Slandie Dieujuste, Vice President for Student Affairs, Springfield College

  • Mary Geller, Vice President of Student Development, College of Saint Benedict

  • Chris Gill, Dean of Students, Notre Dame College

  • Jim Hoppe, Vice President and Dean for Campus Life, Emerson College

  • Carolyn Livingston, Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students, Carleton College

  • Debbie Martin, Dean of Student Life, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

  • James Stascavage, Senior Director for Leadership and Senior Student Affairs Officers Initiatives, NASPA

  • Patricia Lin-Steadman, Assistant Director of Leadership and Mid-to-Senior Level Career Initiatives, NASPA

Invited Speakers & Presenters


To learn about sponsorship opportunities for the 2022 NASPA M. Ben Hogan Small Colleges and Universities Institute, please contact Fred Comparato at 614-204-5994 or at fcomparato@naspa.org.