P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E.S. Live Briefing Series-Markers and Making Change: Using Design Thinking to Impact Campus Culture and Community
Virtual Live Briefings Student Success Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Student Leadership Programs Mid-Level New Professional Senior Level
April 22, 2021 3:00PM EST - 4:00PM EST
This session will demonstrate how human-centered design and design thinking can be used as a tool for creating institutional culture change. Audience members will learn how to assess the needs of a user including students, faculty, or staff, and apply a creative and iterative design process to find solutions that lead to change. This session will outline how the Swarthmore College Center for Innovation and Leadership has used design thinking and how the audience can also make large scale change.
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P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E.S. Spring Live Briefing Sessions
Get On Board: Developing New (and New-to-a-role) Employees