Sustaining Change on Our Campuses: BLM and Beyond
Virtual Conferences and Institutes Civic Engagement Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Black Diaspora Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Division AVP or "Number Two" Mid-Level Senior Level VP for Student Affairs
October 29, 2020 1:00PM - 2:15PM ET
Presented By

As the country continues to grapple with systemic racism, we have seen an increase in community activism (in the Black Lives Matter movement) calling on our nation’s leaders to create a more equitable society. As a result, college campuses are seeing a rise in students, faculty, staff, and community members demanding change in higher education. Campus leaders are being called to address campus and community policing practices, mandatory inclusion training, hiring more Black faculty and staff, and reckoning with campuses’ racist pasts.
In this interactive live briefing, senior leaders in student affairs and diversity and inclusion, student activists, and a campus president will discuss how higher education can move beyond carefully crafted statements to a commitment to action in changing and sustaining campus cultures that break down systemic racism and support Black and other minoritized students, faculty, and staff. Join our panelists representing a variety of institutional roles and types for this critical conversation.
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