National Peer Education Study

Health, Safety, and Well-being Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Student Leadership Programs Wellness and Health Promotion

College and university administrators have recognized the pivotal role that peers play in a student’s growth and development while in college, and as a result, have utilized peer educators to enhance the lives of undergraduate students.

Since 2004, the National Peer Education Study (NPES) research team overseen by Dr. Matthew Wawrzynski at Michigan State University has coordinated, with support from NASPA, studying the value of peer education from over 4,000 undergraduate peer educators from more than 400 college and university campuses.

For more information, or to indicate your interest in participating in the NPES, click here, or email

NPES Dashboard

Participate in the Study

We are currently recruiting institutions, peer education groups, and peer educators to participate in the next NPES! You can help us understand how peer educators themselves learn and grow from their experiences.

Previous National NPES Reports

The following report highlights peer educators self-identified learning as a result of their peer education experience across six Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) Learning and Development Outcomes. The reports includes a definition of each learning domain and representative questions from the study, a comparison of peer educators’ responses at similar institution types and nationally, and tips for improving your peer educators’ growth within each learning outcome.