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Execution Time: 5.48 ms
Record Count: 1
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

JCC Connexions, Vol. 6, No. 1

February 1, 2020

February 2020, Vol. 6, No. 1

20th Anniversary Issue of JCC 

Introduction to the Journal of College and Character Special 20th Anniversary Issue
Jon C. Dalton, Kevin Kruger, & Pamela C. Crosby

Character Education for the Public Good: The Evolution of Character Capacities in and Beyond College
Alyssa N. Rockenbach

Developmental Complexity: A Foundation for Character
Marcia B. Baxter Magolda

Purpose as a Unifying Goal for Higher Education
Anne Colby

Advocating Cultural Competence in College Students as a Component of Moral and Civic Development
Michael J. Cuyjet

Inspiring Community and Institutional Change Through Social Justice Education
Larry D. Roper

Bonding and Bridging: An Equilibrium That Matters for Engaging Religious Diversity in a Pluralistic Society
Eboo Patel & Benjamin P. Correia-Harker

Cultivating Humanity: The Power of Time and People
Richard P. Keeling

Journal of College and Character Editors Seek Manuscripts in Response to 20th Anniversary Issue

JCC 20th Anniversary Collection

In celebration of the 20-year anniversary of the Journal of College and Character, the editors have assembled a special collection of articles focusing on topics pertaining to the moral and civic education of college students. These articles—authored by a diversity of scholars and practitioners—were chosen from issues published over the past 20 years. The articles provide historical perspectives on character development issues in higher education over the past two decades as well as a sample of some of the best and most popular JCC articles on the topic of character development. This special collection is a supplement to the 20-year anniversary issue, which will be published in February 2020.

New Spaces & Roles for Student Affairs Educators

The mental health of graduate students represents a critical issue across college and university campuses. While scholarly and public attention in the previous decade focused on the growing mental health diagnoses influencing undergraduate students, including the rise of anxiety and depression among college students, recent studies demonstrate that graduate students also experience mental health challenges and mental illness at concerning levels.overwhelmed. Read more.

Inside, Outside, and In Between

When I moved from Florida to Pennsylvania, one of my closest American friends gave me a wonderful gift: a personalized clock. She thought the clock would be both a nice decoration and a practically useful item for a new home. I was really happy and touched by her kindness and thoughtfulness. However, I still remember feeling slightly uneasy. In Chinese, the pronunciation of “giving a clock” (送鐘song zhōng) is the same pronunciation that means “attending a funeral ritual” and wishing people to “rest in peace.” As a result, not giving clocks as gifts is an unspoken custom in Chinese culture. Although I do not believe in superstitions, these deeply rooted cultural expectations still raised a strange feeling in me when I received my friend’s gift.. Read more.

Fostering Moral Development

Self-care is an opportunity to mentally process through the work done in an academic term.ecology. Self-care looks different for everyone, and there is no right way to do self-care beyond what feels natural for the individual. While the end of academic term breaks are ideal for wringing out the brain, professionals should identify whenever they feel the need to engage in self-care during the academic term. This can generally prove more difficult, as the ongoing demands of one’s job can make finding those times challenging, but a wrung-out brain is important for providing the best support to students, faculty, staff, families, and other invested stakeholders. Read more.

Engaging Civic Religious Pluralism 

JCC News

This video is a preview of a session at the NASPA Annual Conference in Austin, TX. The Session is called, "Humanizing Higher Education and the Journal of College and Character." The session, including authors Anne Colby and Richard Keeling, and JCC editorial board member Pete Mather will take place on March 31st from 11:30am - 12:20pm in the Austin Convention Center. View the video.

Leadership Exchange magazine, published by NASPA, helps prepare chief student affairs officers for the most complex management challenges in higher education today. In their spring issue, the publication features an introduction by JCC chief editors and a selection of excerpts from the 20th Anniversary Issue.  Read more.