NASPA is a member-centered association supporting a diverse and passionate network of 15,000 professionals and 1,200 institutions across the globe.
Whether you are looking for a transformational in-person experience, or wanting to learn and engage from where you are, NASPA has the perfect professional development for you.
As higher education continues to evolve, NASPA serves a leading role in the innovations that are shaping the future of student affairs.
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NASPA publishes books, periodicals, and other media to support student affairs professionals in their daily work to promote student learning and success.
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This brief overviews federal legislation and liability concerns, highlights trends in counseling center practices, and offers recommendations.
The vision of the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice is to publish the most rigorous and relevant research regarding student affairs.
Infusing Social Justice into Your New Professional Role
2017-2020 Public Policy Agenda
Alcohol: Minimizing Your Risks
Women and Alcohol: Making Smart Choices
Before You Drink: Tips for Staying Safe
Summer 2017
Choosing Prevention Products: Questions to Ask About Sexual and Relationship Violence Programs
5 Things to Support Latinx/a/o Students
Supporting the New Student Experience through Intentional Transition Collaborations
Growth Mindset in Action: Lessons from the UCLA GRIT Coaching Program
Student Affairs Matters: Telling the Story through Assessment and Budget
Blended High Impact Experiential Learning (BHIEL)
Major Gifts Fundraising: Planned Giving Basics
Institutional Research and Student Affairs: Powerful Partners in Student Satisfaction
Broadening the Spectrum for Student Support: Mental Health Promotion in Emerging Adulthood
Integrated Planning: How to Align the People, Places, Purpose, and Resources (P3R) of Your Division
Managing a Departmental Rebirth
A Model Behavioral Intervention Team: Strategies for Success